Queer Love Stories

Char & Skye Fell In Love On Instagram – & Now They’re Engaged

“This has been the most transformative 12 months of my life.”

by Jessica Morgan
Originally Published: 
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UK Pride Celebration

Welcome to Queer Love Stories, a series dedicated to celebrating the power and joy of LGBTQ+ relationships during Pride month. This week we meet 29-year-olds Skye Lukowski-Standley, a PA and model, and Char Ellesse, the founder of online storytelling platform, girlswillbeboys. Based in east London, the couple first met on Instagram in early 2021, and after a whirlwind romance, announced their engagement in April 2022 from Las Vegas. Naturally we wanted to know more. So we put them to the test Cilla Black style and asked them to answer our questions – about what their first date was really like, the attributes they love most about their partner, and just how well they know each other. The catch? They had to do so separately and couldn’t share their answers with each other. Get ready to be in your feels.

So how did you two lovebirds actually meet?

Char: Through Instagram! Skye will forever argue that she made the first move so we’ll go with that!

Skye: We actually met through Instagram. We started out supporting each other’s posts and I eventually sent her a DM and got a conversation started.

What was your first date like?

Char: Perfect. We hadn’t clarified that it was a date initially, but it was always my hope that it was, and same for her, so when we confirmed half way through the date I was gassed. I’ll always remember there was a moment during the day when she did something, I don’t remember what, but I just had a feeling like damn, this girl is someone special.

Skye: Our first date was casual as neither of us was actually sure if it was a friend date or a date date. We confirmed a short while after sitting down that it was definitely a proper date and things just flowed naturally and amazingly from there. I knew from that moment I’d found someone so special who deserved 100% of me and my efforts, and I’ve never looked back.

What were your first impressions?

Char: I thought she looked just like her pictures, if not better. And honestly I was just taken aback by her aura and how intelligent and gentle she is, whilst being witty and shady at the same time. It was the first date I’d been on that I felt “wow, this really could be the one.” First impressions were she was everything I wanted in a partner and I was so intrigued by her. I wanted to know more.

Skye: First impressions were that she was so beautiful, smart, funny, sure of herself and ambitious! As cheesy as it sounds, she has this way she looks at me where her eyes sparkle and nothing has ever evoked so much hope in me.

This has been the most transformative 12 months of my life.

What date did you make your relationship official, and what’s your partner’s favourite colour and film?

Char: April 15. We both don’t have a favourite colour, and Skye’s favourite film is Mrs Doubtfire.

Skye: April 15. Neither of us actually have a favourite colour, and Char’s favourite film is Shrek.

Did you get them right?

Char: Yes!

Skye: Yes!

How long have you been together?

Char: Just over a year!

Skye: We’ve been together for a year and it has been the most transformative 12 months of my life.

Describe your partner in three words

Char: Pure, sexy, and serendipitous.

Skye: Sexy, caring, and unapologetic.

If you could choose a song that reminds you of your partner, what would it be?

Char: Snoh Aalegra’s Someone Like You.

Skye: Snoh Aalegra’s Someone Like You.

What’s your favourite memory with your partner?

Char: The first time we said we loved each other. On the day we did, something in me had felt a shift and I knew that’s what it was, but I was struggling to deal with how overwhelming it felt. I was scared about how I felt about her, but so excited, and was trying to explain that to her but was being clumsy with my words. In the end, she stopped me to tell me that she also felt scared, and that I didn’t need to say anything back, but that she loved me. I burst into tears and of course I said it back, and explained that that’s what I wanted to say in the first place. It was clumsy and cute, but so pure.

Skye: Our first Christmas together. She made it so special for me. It’s usually a time filled with so much loneliness for me but she made it magical. It was peaceful and filled with so much love. I cooked us a beautiful meal and we just enjoyed each other’s company. It was the best Christmas I’ve ever had.

What were the green flags when you first met?

Char: She’s such a good listener, and held space for me, but also held a great conversation. Also her age and independence was a green flag. And the fact that we were so aligned in what stages of our lives we were at.

Skye: Wanting the same things for our futures. The fact that I was super attracted to the way she carried herself, what her aspirations were and the fact that we connected so quickly and had such good conversations.

Skye takes me as I am, reminds me of how loved I am by her, and always does her best to support me in any way possible.

What’s your partner’s best attribute?

Char: Her pure heart.

Skye: Her ability and capacity for love, support, and belief that better days are to come. And her utter selflessness.

What would you say your partner brings out in you?

Char: My inner child.

Skye: A softness I haven’t been able to safely express and stand proudly in my entire life.

How does your partner make you feel accepted?

Char: Skye takes me as I am, reminds me of how loved I am, and always does her best to support me in any way possible. She also points out random little things I do, that I don’t realise I do, and tells me how cute she thinks they are.

Skye: Char supports me in whatever I want to do. She motivates me, and encourages, and loves me through every aspect of my identity.

Do you have a joy-filled love story that you’d like to share with Bustle UK? Email jessica.morgan@bustle.com with Queer Love Stories in the subject line to be featured.

This article was originally published on