16 Punny March For Science Sign Ideas
Earth Day is always worth celebrating, but this year is particularly special. On April 22, thousands of protesters — scientists and laymen alike — will take part in the March for Science to celebrate the role the field plays in our lives. It's a serious subject, but I would be remiss if I didn't point out that it's also the perfect opportunity to break out your best punny March for Science sign ideas. Don't you want to impress your fellow protesters?
The relationship between science and politics is certainly a fraught one. Although the march is ostensibly nonpartisan, the website explains the need for a large-scale demonstration in favor of scientific rigor in today's political climate. "In the face of an alarming trend toward discrediting scientific consensus and restricting scientific discovery, we might ask... can we afford not to speak out in its defense?" reads the March for Science mission page.
Some scientists may choose to sit this one out, and that's their prerogative. If you're planning to attend, however, the main event will take place in Washington, D.C., and numerous satellite marches are planned. Obviously, no protest is complete without a sign, so here are 16 punny ideas to get you started.
1No Planet B
2Oh, the Hue-Manatee
3While There's Coral Left To Protect
Side note: As of last month, scientists have warned that 90 percent of the Great Barrier Reef is bleached white or outright dead.
4System Change
5It's Our Planet, Too
6Don't Be Fuelish
7For The Anti-Frackers
8We Must Rise Before The Tide Does
9Earth To The President
(Send a message to whomever you want.)
10Water We Doing, America?
11Is It Hot In Here?
Bonus points if you dress up like a polar bear.
12Why Go For Great When You Can Be Cool?
13The Future Is Ours, But We Have To Planet
14Something Worth Cell-ebrating
15Nobody Wants To Be The Precipitate
16Science Isn't Imaginary
Now you, too, can create your sign in good conSCIENCE. Pun obviously intended.