The much-anticipated 2018 midterm elections will be here before you know it. This may mean you want to gather as much information as possible before Nov. 6 so you can cast an informed vote for your preferred candidates. If you're looking for a good way to access some quality content, you should consider following these 17 journalists covering the 2018 midterms on Twitter.
The 2018 midterm elections stand to be substantially impactful. Right now, Republicans control the executive branch along with both houses of Congress, meaning that conservative legislators currently have few checks on their power. Based on recent polling numbers and fundraising metrics, Democrats have a good chance of regaining a majority in the House of Representatives in November. The party has a slimmer, though not impossible, chance of obtaining control of the Senate. If the Democrats win either or both houses, a more significant check on conservative legislating will be in place. If Republicans maintain a congressional majority, their legislative agenda will dominate for at least next two years.
If you're hoping to round out your policy and candidate knowledge ahead of Nov. 6, you should consider following some of the journalists listed below, who frequently report on U.S. politics. Of course, though, this list is merely a starting point, as there are many journalists doing impressive work in this field.
Nate Silver | @NateSilver538
Silver is the editor-in-chief at FiveThirtyEight. He (and his outlet) frequently conduct their own analyses of congressional races and electoral odds.
Angela Rye | @angela_rye
Rye is a political commentator on CNN. Her Twitter account doesn't hold back when it comes to evaluating who she believes are the best candidates for office in the upcoming midterm elections.
Seung Min Kim | @seungminkim
Kim formerly worked at Politico and now serves as the Washington Post's White House reporter based on Capitol Hill. Her Twitter account offers extensive insight into Trump's presidency as well as into various congressional campaigns.
Liz Goodwin | @lizcgoodwin
Goodwin is a political reporter at the Boston Globe. Her Twitter bio reveals she "lurks in Senate hallways" to get the latest scoop on Congress' activities.
Joy Reid | @JoyAnnReid
Reid is a national correspondent at MSNBC. On her account, she frequently shares stories related to the upcoming midterm elections, particularly around relevant policy issues.
Burgess Everett | @burgessev
Everett works for Politico as one of its congressional reporters. He offers in-depth day to day insight on the inner workings of Congress, as well as the implications of congressional votes.
Ariel Edwards-Levy | @aedwardslevy
Edwards-Levy works as a polling editor and reporter for Huffington Post Politics. Her Twitter account offers a unique look at the upcoming midterm elections from the perspective of a pollster.
Sabrina Siddiqui | @SabrinaSiddiqui
Siddiqui reports on politics for The Guardian. Her Twitter account offers thoughtful insight into various issues that will play a key role in November's midterm elections.
Jonathen Lemire | @JonLemire
Lemire works as a White House reporter and political analyst for several news outlets. He frequently tweets about breaking news related to the Trump administration and about various congressional candidates.
Van Jones | @VanJones68
Jones hosts a self-named political show on CNN. His Twitter account is full of informative retweets about U.S. politics and policies, and includes clips from his show and beyond.
Alex Burns | @alexburnsNYT
Burns is a national political correspondent for the New York Times and a political analyst for CNN. He frequently tweets about various candidates in the November midterm elections. On top of that, he runs his own interactive texting program from the campaign trail called, "The Campaign Reporter."
Karen Tumulty | @ktumulty
Tumulty is a political columnist for the Washington Post. Her Twitter account offers frequent commentary on electoral candidates and issues across the country.
Errin Haines Whack | @emarvelous
Haines Whack covers Race and Ethnicity for the Associated Press. Her Twitter account offers keen insight into political party strategies and candidate platforms.
Ezra Klein | @ezraklein
Klein is the editor-at-large for Vox. He frequently tweets about a host of political topics and candidates.
Igor Bobic | @igorbobic
Bobic is a politics reporter for HuffPost. He frequently posts about political candidates and their campaign appearances on his Twitter account.
Pema Levy | @pemalevy
Levy is a reporter for Mother Jones. Her Twitter account offers candidate profiles, voter access analysis, and much more.
Ashley Parker | @AshleyRParker
Parker works as a reporter for several prominent news outlets. She frequently tweets about the Trump administration, midterm elections, and more.
Garance Franke-Ruta | @thegarance
Franke-Ruta has worked for several major national news publications as their politics editor. Her frequently-updated Twitter account offers insight into current events and includes reflections on the upcoming midterms.
Aisha C. Moodie-Mills | @AishaMoodMills
Moodie-Mills is a political analyst who frequently contributes to various political news shows. She offers insightful commentary on the trajectory of the United States' political future.
Tim Mak | @timkmak
Mak works for NPR's Washington Desk. His Twitter account covers issues related to national security and politics and sometimes offers an in-depth look at congressional campaigns.
Bakari Sellers | @Bakari_Sellers
Sellers is a former politician and current CNN contributor. On Twitter, he frequently shares his thoughts on 2018 midterm candidates.
Ryan Teague Beckwith | @ryanbeckwith
Beckwith works as a politics editor for Time. He shares articles related to midterm candidates and voter turnout, among other topics.
Eugene Robinson | @Eugene_Robinson
Robinson works for both the Washington Post and MSNBC. He often posts links to his articles analyzing the midterm elections as well as to his live chat discussions, which cover current events, including the midterms.
Tal Kopan | @TalKopan
Kopan is a reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle. She regularly tweets breaking news, including on likely outcomes of congressional races.
Connie Schultz | @ConnieSchultz
Schultz is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and a nationally syndicated columnist. She also happens to be married to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio. Her Twitter account covers a host of issues related to the midterms, from voter ID laws to Election Day rides and more.
Shaun King | @shaunking
King writes for The Intercept and The Appeal. His tweets and retweets offer thoughtful commentary on many midterm races and issues.
Elana Schor | @eschor
Schor covers the Senate for Politico. Her Twitter account offers an in-depth look at senators, Senate candidates, and legislation coming out of Congress.
Felicia Sonmez | @feliciasonmez
Sonmez is a national political reporter for the Washington Post. She frequently tweets about the Trump administration and about factors influencing the 2018 midterms.
Tanzina Vega | @tanzinavega
Vega works as a host on The Takeaway, a national public news radio show. Her Twitter account offers frequent retweets related to electoral issues, among other topics.
Ed O'Keefe | @edokeefe
O'Keefe is a political correspondent for CBS News. His Twitter account contains in-depth insight into midterm election polls and campaigns along with other current events.
Amy Walter | @amyewalter
Walter is the national editor of the Cook Political Report. Her Twitter feed is very dominated by midterm coverage and includes a variety of insightful thoughts, analysis, and articles.
Overall, these constitute just a few of the many journalists whose Twitter accounts offer some helpful isight into American politics and the upcoming elections. You should consider following them — and others — as you prepare to vote on Nov. 6.