5 Best Feminist Quotes Of The Week
The past week's headlines have continued to be dominated by President Trump's wiretapping claims, resistance to the Republican-proposed American Health Care Act meant to replace Obamacare, Trump's tax returns, and the blocking of Trump's second travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries. In the world of feminism, though, the conversation has focused on other topics, particularly on trans womanhood. Hillary Clinton's announcement on being ready to "come out of the woods" and start fighting for causes she's passionate about has also sparked curiosity on what exactly she'll do next.
With Planned Parenthood's federal funding at stake under the GOP's health care proposal, the subjects of abortion and women's health in general have gotten a lot of traction in feminist circles. All these issues are complicated, and some are highly controversial even among self-identified feminists, but fortunately there is an endless amount of intelligent women out there to tackle them.
If you're tired of reading about the drama going down in the White House, take a little while to read some thoughts and questions touching on some vital social issues concerning women, especially if you call yourself a feminist. It'll definitely be worth the time. The women below are perfect options to give your attention to.
1. Katie Needle Schools Tom Price
During a town hall on Wednesday, a woman named Katie Needle took Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price to task on defunding Planned Parenthood, and her question was flawless:
Planned Parenthood provides an array of health services for women, and the majority of their patients are on Medicaid. I am a Medicaid enrollee and I am a Planned Parenthood patient, and I would be absolutely devastated if Planned Parenthood were defunded. We’ve already seen in Texas that cutting access to Planned Parenthood means women have less access to health care. More women’s health centers didn’t just magically appear because Planned Parenthood was defunded. That just doesn’t happen. ... You earlier brought up Medicaid specifically and complained specifically about how one of the biggest problems under Obamacare was that only a third of doctors were accepting Medicaid. This plan chooses to cut a provider that sees over a million Medicaid patients every year. So, if that is your big problem with Obamacare, then how did that make any sense? ... My actual question is: How do you expect the millions of low-income women nationwide who depend on Planned Parenthood for these vital human services — basic needs — to access these things if Planned Parenthood is defunded?
2. A Response To Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie
Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie, a celebrated Nigerian writer typically praised by feminists thanks to her outspokenness on feminism, recently came made controversial comments regarding trans women during an interview on Channel 4 News. “When people talk about, ‘Are trans women women?’ my feeling is trans women are trans women,” she said at the time. In response to her statements, widely interpreted as discrediting trans womanhood, trans activist Raquel Willis published a series of tweets breaking down her thoughts on Adichie's comments.
3. Laverne Cox Responds, Too
Probably best known for her role as Sophia in Orange Is the New Black, Laverne Cox also had enlightening things to say about Adichie's interview. Like Willis, she shared these thoughts in a Twitter thread.
4. Sen. Kamala Harris Gives Advice
The California senator has been busy lately trying to protect Planned Parenthood's federal funding and generally voicing her opposition to the Republican health care plan, but she took some time to share some advice with women hoping to follow in her footsteps.
5. Hillary Clinton Speaks
So this one was a little over a week ago, but still worth sharing. The former Democratic presidential nominee was honored with the 2017 Champion for Girls Award by Girls Inc. and delivered the event's keynote speech. As expected, she dedicated her words to inspiring girls for the future.
In big ways and small, the unfinished business of the 21st century is the full equality of women. There are still too few women in the upper reaches of the private sector — academia, science, technology, not to mention politics and government. ... Let us hope there is a wave of young women running for office in America, and let's be sure we support them in every way we can. Let's help them shatter stereotypes and lift each other up. They are the history-makers, the glass ceiling breakers of tomorrow. They are among the reasons I am so optimistic about our future.
Excited to see what next week will bring.