
7 Natural Remedies For Gas That You Probably Haven't Tried Yet

by Carina Wolff
Originally Published: 
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Dealing with gas can be both annoying and embarrassing, and it sometimes can be hard to manage. No one wants to have to reach for the medicine cabinet every time tummy troubles arise, but luckily, there are a number of natural remedies for gas that can help do the trick. Treating your gas naturally can not only help diminish gas while you're experiencing it, but it can also help prevent any unwanted flatulence down the line.

"Let’s be honest: We all feel gassy several times during the day," Dr. Luiza Petre, MD, tells Bustle. "Surveys show that abdominal bloating affects up to 30 percent of Americans. However, because bloating and gas are usually tied to what and how you eat, you can usually avoid it with a few simple changes that can ease your discomfort. "For example, strongly scented herbs, relax the smooth muscle bands that line our digestive tract, controlling the nausea, spasm, gas, and cramping associated with everything from motion sickness to irritable bowel syndrome."

To stop relying on that Beano and to get rid of bloating and gas one and for all, try some of these seven natural remedies that experts recommend and you likely haven't thought of before.


Eat More Probiotics


Consuming fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, or kombucha can help bolster the healthy bacteria growth in your gut. "This is helpful because when your gut bacteria is out of balance from things like antibiotics or pesticides, it can cause countless gut issues including gas," health coach Cameron Hooper, tells Bustle. "Balancing the bacteria in your gut is, hands-down, the best way to avoid gas." Taking probiotics is considered to be one of the best methods to maintain a healthy digestive system, and is even used as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, making them great contenders to fight gas, according to the Mayo Clinic.


Drink Some Rose Water

Rose water doesn’t just smell great and help your skin — it can also be great for your digestive system. This means, it’s a great option to counter gas issues. "Rose water is a natural remedy that is super helpful for gas and bloating and is a great healer for the digestion process," wellness coach Melody Pourmoradi CEC, AADP, tells Bustle. "Half a shot glass at any signs of gas discomfort does the trick." Because of the many antioxidants that exist in rose water, it’s a great option for cleaning out your system without having to worry about potentially dangerous side effects, according to Harper’s Bazaar.


Combine Lemon & Baking Soda


"The juice from lemons mixed with baking soda creates carbon dioxide, which is great for digestion," registered nurse Rebecca Park, tells Bustle. "This mix is great for bloating and flatulence and starts working immediately." Baking soda acts as an antacid, so it can help relieve gas. However, you want to be careful not to consume too much, as baking soda contains a large amount of sodium, which can be bad for your body in excess. Adding only 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda to water along with some lemon juice can go a long way for relief without leaving your body vulnerable to possible negative side effects.


Eat Some Ginger

Most people think about ginger when they have nausea but ginger can also help alleviate gas pains, according to the Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand. "Ginger is one of the oldest Chinese remedies for gas and is a main ingredient for digestive herbal formulas," Dr. Elizabeth Trattner, tells Bustle. Ginger speeds digestion and soothes the digestive tract, which allows for gases to move to your lower intestine quicker, providing relief from any gas issues, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. Ginger is also a known treatment for bloating during menstruation, making ginger a great solution for most upper and lower abdomen pain, according to The Food Network.



Andrew Zaeh for Bustle

Sometimes the best remedy is exercise. Exercise can help move waste and nutrients around your body, helping to relieve digestive issues. Although walking after a meal is a good way to help your digestive system, there are also specific yoga poses that can help relieve gas pain or bloating. These exercises help increase circulation and blood flow throughout the body, making them ample in relieving gas or bloating. Exercising regularly can even reduce the risk of constipation, altogether serving as a preventative measure for gas released from your colon, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you try these exercises and your gas issues remain or intensify, you may want to contact your doctor in order to see if your gas issues may be more serious.


Drink Peppermint Tea

Peppermint isn’t just used for its flavor or to freshen your breath. "Mint has been used for centuries to aid digestion and tame troubled tummies," Petre says. "It has both anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. Peppermint calms down the entire digestive tract and allows gas to pass." There have also been studies that show that peppermint tea can relieve the duration, strength, and frequency of abdominal pain in children, according to a study conducted by the University of South Alabama. Making one or two cups of peppermint tea a part of your daily routine can improve your digestive system, cure gas issues, and even prevent any future gas or bloating pain.


Try Activated Charcoal

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Ever wonder why people drink those fancy charcoal juices? Well, one of its benefits is its ability to help with bloating and gas, according to Dr. Josh Axe. Activated charcoal helps traps chemicals and prevents their absorption, which can lead to better digestion and less stomach issues. Activated charcoal has been especially known to relieve gas when combined with simethicone, according to UCLA Health. But because activated charcoal is not regulated in the way other prescription medications are, it’s extremely important to talk to your doctor or nutritionist about incorporating activated charcoal supplements into your diet.

While gas may be a difficult issue to deal with, you don't have to suffer. Trying these natural remedies may help, but if symptoms persist, be sure to talk to your doctor.

This post was originally published on October 3, 2017 It was updated on June 13, 2019. Additional reporting by Syeda Saad.

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