8 Times Donald Trump Jr Went After Hillary Clinton For Her Emails

Donald Trump Jr. might be in hot water over a seemingly incriminating email chain that links him to a Russian lawyer — and many have called this ironic, given the times Trump Jr. called out Hillary Clinton for her emails during the 2016 presidential election.
First, the backstory: On Tuesday, Trump Jr. released an email chain that substantiated The New York Times' Monday report that the president's son had met with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya in 2016, under the understanding that she could provide information that would incriminate Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Veselnitskaya has denied that she attended the June 2016 meeting on behalf of the Russian government and claims she is just a private citizen.
"To everyone, in order to be totally transparent, I am releasing the entire email chain of my emails," Trump Jr. tweeted on Tuesday. "I first wanted to just have a phone call but when that didn't work out, they said the woman would be in New York and asked if I would meet."
In the emails, publicist Rob Goldstone said that a Russian prosecutor could provide proof that "would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father." Goldstone, who has a client that is the son of a prominent Russian businessman, added:
This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump.
Trump Jr. responded a few minutes later:
If it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer.
Amid his own email scandal, here's some of the times that Trump Jr. has called out Clinton for hers.
When He Joked About Clinton's "Yoga"
In 2015, Trump Jr. made a comparison between a Ronald Reagan mantra and what he felt that Hillary Clinton was saying at the time with regards to her emails.
When He RTd A Report On The Clinton Foundation
Trump Jr., citing the finance blog Zero Hedge, retweeted a post that claimed that the Clinton Foundation may have made a breach of ethics.
When He Pointed To A Computer Specialist
According to a U.S. News & World Report article retweeted by Trump Jr., the computer specialist who allegedly deleted some Clinton emails may have sought help on Reddit.
When He Brought Up Benghazi
Trump Jr. tweeted out a POLITICO story that described how his father, then the Republican nominee, "hammered" Clinton over emails related to Benghazi.
When He Took A Photo Of Himself
Trump Jr. took a pit stop in Colorado to look for Hillary Clinton's missing emails.
When He Kept The RTs Going
Trump Jr. followed a previous story about the computer specialist who reportedly deleted Hillary Clinton's emails with another retweet, this one from The New York Times.
When He Claimed "Even MSM Sees It Now"
Trump Jr. shared a Reuters article about Wikileaks-hacked emails that appeared to show Qatar's government saying it would donate $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
When He Brought Up The FBI
Just a few days before Election Day, Donald Trump Jr. retweeted an article about FBI Director James Comey, who reportedly discovered new, unreleased Clinton emails.
It seems now that, with Trump Jr. in hot water, the tables have turned, and the president's son has his own email scandal to tweet about.