
A Millionaire Hunted Manchester's "Homeless Heroes" Down To Help Them

Christopher Furlong/Getty Images News/Getty Images

In the aftermath of the Manchester bombing, two homeless men are being lauded for their courage after they rushed into a potentially dangerous situation to help victims of the terrorist attack. Now, West Ham's millionaire owners want to help these homeless men, Stephen Jones and Chris Parker.

After the attack, Jones, who had been sleeping near the arena during Ariana Grande's concert, gave an interview to ITV News in which he described pulling nails out of a little girl's face. "It had to be done," he told ITV. "You had to help, if I didn't help, I wouldn't be able to live with myself for walking away and leaving kids like that."

After Jones' ITV interview went viral, David Sullivan and his son, co-chairs of the West Ham soccer team, announced that they wanted to thank Jones for his generosity by renting him a house for six months to "help him get on his feet." Sullivan's son initially tweeted that he and his dad were searching for Jones, and social media helped them connect. In addition to the Sullivans' efforts, a JustGiving fundraising page has raised more than 23,000 pounds to help Jones find somewhere to leave.

As for Parker, who had been in the foyer of the Manchester Arena when the bomb went off, Sullivan's son also tweeted that he had not forgotten him.

Parker recounted to the media how a woman had passed away in his arms, and that he helped a little girl who had lost both her legs in the blest. "I haven't stopped crying," Parker told The Telegraph. “The most shocking part of it is that it was a kids' concert."

A GoFundMe campaign to help Parker has already raised almost 35,000 pounds. Additionally, Parker's estranged mother, Jessica, has reportedly urged her son to get in touch with her after reading about his actions in the national news. Jessica wrote on the GoFundMe page that she was "very proud" of her son.

"Hi this is my son and I am desperate to get in touch with him, we have been estranged for a very long time and I had no idea he was homeless," she wrote. "I am very proud of him and I think he might need me right now."

According to The Telegraph, more than 1.5 million pounds have been raised across multiple crowdfunding campaigns to help the victims and families affected by the Manchester attack.