The 'Big Brother' Season 20 Cast Has Been Announced & One May Already Have A Leg Up

The sun is shining, temperatures are mounting, and summer is in the air, which can only mean one thing: it's time to watch a handful of strangers forced to live together in isolation and compete for a $500,000 prize. The Big Brother Season 20 cast was announced on Monday, June 18, making it officially Big Brother season. No doubt Big Brother will be pulling out all the stops for its twentieth season, premiering Wednesday, June 27. But for now, all they're willing to tease is the new crop of Houseguests.
This year, the 16 Houseguests range from Steve Arienta, a 40 year old former undercover cop, to Haleigh Broucher, a 21 year old college student. As usual, the Houseguests come from all over the country and have many different occupations — Angela Rummans is a "fitness model" while Winston Hines is a medical sales rep — ensuring that their differences either prompt fascinating friendships or explosive dramas. The cast announcements also tease some of the Houseguests' strategies, like Brett Robinson, whose bio proudly declares he's going to go into the house lying to everybody about who he is and what he does for a living. Needless to say these photos and bios of the Big Brother Season 20 cast are definitely enough to give viewers a taste of what wild twists and turns are in store.
1Steve Arienta
Steve Arienta is a former undercover cop (as mentioned above), which means he might have an edge when it comes to fooling other Houseguests with his social game. He also loves "motorcycle riding, fishing, and playing golf" and, according to his official BB20 bio, he was a wrestler in high school and played football in college. Steve is shaping up to be a real contender.
2Sam Bledsoe
Sam Bledsoe, 27, is a welder from Virginia. Going into the Big Brother house, she's confident in her social game, telling CBS, "My strategy is to draw on my experience working in small-town restaurants. I'll come in and genuinely be myself and just lay low until I have an exact reading on everyone."
3Winston Hines
Winston Hines, 28, is worried about living with other people in the house; according to his bio he's been living alone for two years. But, what he's especially worried about is living in a house without his dog, who he writes "love notes" to. His bio also says that he's "been mistaken for Justin Timberlake and Ryan Reynolds," but whether that will actually be an advantage in the Big Brother house remains to be seen.
4Haleigh Broucher
At 21, Haleigh Broucher is the youngest of the Houseguests this season, but she is not to be underestimated. The college student plans on putting her psychology major to good use in the house, hoping "to analyze and deceive the Houseguests," according to her official bio.
5JC Monduix
JC Monduix, 28, is a professional dancer who hopes he'll be liked by everyone in the house. His strategy is "to be the sweetest small guy that everyone would want to hug and kiss," so, Internet, meet your new reality TV boyfriend.
6Angie Lantry
Angie "Rockstar" Lantry, 34, is a stay-at-home mom who loves "reading, writing, and dancing under the moonlight around a fire to fierce drum beats." If she were allowed, she'd bring sage to the Big Brother house "to remove the bad juju" — not a bad idea, TBH.
7Scottie Salton
Scottie Salton, 26, is a shipping manager from Chicago. He loves CrossFit and hopes to wield influence in the House so as to get "the floaters and butterflies" kicked out early.
8Kaitlyn Herman
Kaitlyn Herman, 24, is a life coach currently living in California. In her official bio, she describes herself as "personable, intuitive, and dramatic." She also revealed in her bio that a psychic once told her that she "would soon be one of the most influential self-help women in the world," so, expect her to be lending helping hands in the house.
9Rachel Swindler
Rachel Swindler, 29, is a Vegas entertainer who is planning on downplaying her physical game early in the competition so as not to be perceived as a threat. "I'm not trying to go out there and win the first couple of HOHs. I want to be more behind the scenes building my social game and creating strong bonds."
10Angela Rummans
Angela Rummans, 26, described herself as "scheming" in her bio and calls herself "the networking queen," which means she's ready to play a good social game.
11Brett Robinson
Brett Robinson, 25, is a cybersecurity engineer already planning on deceiving everybody in the House. His strategy, as detailed on his official bio, includes lying about his job so that other Houseguests "think I am just a dum surfer/model guy."
12Kaycee Clark
Kaycee Clark, 30, is a pro football player, so get ready to see her dominate physical competitions. Her life motto is "Think outside the box, take risks, and never give up."
13Tyler Cripsen
Tyler Crispen, 23, is a lifeguard currently living in South Carolina. He loves "working out, going to the beach, and surfing" (if you couldn't tell already) and he's already admitted to being a bit difficult to read. "When I'm lying, people think I'm telling the truth, but when I'm telling the truth, people think I'm lying," he told CBS on his official bio. Keep an eye on Tyler, you never know when he might be trying to deceive you.
14Faysal Shafaat
Faysal Shafaat, 26, has a subtle strategy. According to his bio, he's planning on forming a few strong alliances early, and saving his athletic strength for later on in the game.
15Bayleigh Dayton
Bayeligh Dayton, 25, works as a flight attendant, so she's used to dealing with difficult people. She's also focused on prize, telling CBS that she hopes to intimidate other Houseguests while also being nice and staying away from the drama. "But I also want everyone to fear me just a little. My dad always said that defense wins games. So let's just say, my D is going to be full coverage."
16Chris Williams
Chris "Swaggy C" Williams, 23, is keeping his strategy a secret, but the basketball player and current day trader did reveal in his bio that he has a photographic memory and is great at math.
All 16 Houseguests competing in Big Brother Season 20 will enter the Big Brother house on Monday, June 18. So for fans with access to the Live Feed, the game starts now.