19 Creative Signs At The Women's March That You'll Get A Kick Out Of

On Jan. 20, 2018, hundreds of thousands of people turned out in the streets in cities and towns across America, participating in the second annual Women's March. The various marches by all accounts drew big turnouts, and some of the images going around on social media show just how clever some of marchers got with their signs ― there were lots of creative Women's March signs, in fact, that you'll probably get a kick out of.
Especially if you didn't make it out to one of the marches to see things for yourself! The march saw people turn out for major, hugely attended rallies in cities from coast to coast ― in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, New York, Boston, Washington D.C., and so many others ― to smaller, more local ones, too. After the first year of the Trump administration, it provided a stark reminder of just how much activist energy currently exists on the Democratic left, and how willing people are to speak out in favor of political resistance.
It's also almost always the case that massive public protests include tons of handmade signs, bearing political slogans, moral statements, or sometimes, simply funny and clever jokes. And there were plenty of them on display on Saturday.
1. Tweet Others
Here's a simple yet eloquent take on cyber-bullying, complete with the iconic Twitter bird.
2. Good Boys Are Not Sexist
Everyone should be able to agree that's a very good dog.
3. Hold My Earrings
Boom, indeed, and Lady Liberty clearly agrees.
4. What Oprah Said
So many people jumped into political speculation, but it's worth actually listening to what Oprah said in that Golden Globes speech.
5. A Very Topical Reference
People should absolutely never eat Tide Pods, they're incredibly bad for you. But this still makes a compelling case.
6. What She Said
If you're look for pure creativity, the art of a young child is a pretty good place to start.
7. If You're Kind And Polite
There's a great chance this was the best Paddington Bear-themed protest sign of all time.
8. In The Name Of Humanity
Marchers of all ages had some pretty strong takes on their signs.
9. Even The Introverts
That really is a pretty big achievement.
10. In Our America
There's just no replacing a sharp, well-made homemade sign.
11. My Arms Are Tired
Many of the marchers carried signs or banners referencing DACA and the Dream Act, issues presently being negotiated amid the ongoing government shutdown.
12. I'm With Her
One of the great things about big protest marches is you're getting involved in something together with other like-minded people.
13. Cover Up Trump
One creative use of signage on display at the New York City march: using a whole bunch of them to block Trump's name outside Trump Tower.
14. We Need More Support Than This
Some of the marchers at the San Francisco demonstration definitely had the right idea.
15. Signs Around The White House
Marchers in the nation's capital flat-out surrounded the White House with their signs.
16. Sad!
The cheeto hair is a pretty nice tough.
17. Doing Time Magazine
Trump likes to brag about how many Time magazine covers he's been on, but this probably isn't quite what he had in mind.
18. This Episode Of Black Mirror
Don't you just hate it when you're trapped inside a sci-fi dystopian TV show?
19. Blue Wave Is Here
Plenty of people at the march seem pretty confident in the Democratic Party's prospects in the midterm elections.
The second annual Women's March, suffice to say, was a feast of sights and sounds for progressives and feminist activists across the country. And around the world, for that matter ― events also took place in Canada, Rome, England, and elsewhere. And needless to say, there were some pretty fun signs out there.