Millennials Are Getting Sick Of Trump & That Could Be A Reelection Disaster For Him

Don't look now, but President Donald Trump is not doing so well with the younger generation. This might not surprise you, since the 45th president of the United States pretty much doesn't fit any mold of a leader beloved by young people everywhere. But according to recent polling, his support from younger voters is eroding just like his support among voters overall. According to a new survey from the University of Chicago polling firm GenForward, voting-age millennials are flat-out done with Trump, with 62 percent of respondents viewing him unfavorably.
That's noticeably higher than Trump's average unpopularity across all age groups. According to HuffPost's polling averages at the time of this writing, his overall approval rating sits at just 37.4 percent, while his disapproval number sits at 58.5 percent ― still very high, although still just-shy of the dizzying 60-percent threshold that GenForward's survey found among respondents age 18 to 34.
According to the survey, 45 percent of those millennials "strongly disapprove" of how Trump is handling his job, while 17 percent "somewhat disapprove." That 62 percent figure also outpaced millennial disapproval of Congress, which sat at 56 percent total. To put it another way, the youngest potential voters in the country are likely the most eager to see his presidency end — which, considering his intention to run for reelection in 2020, could spell a potentially disaster for his bid.
Unsurprisingly, given demographic breakdowns of the votes cast in the 2016 presidential election, there's a sharp and telling racial divide in the survey. Black millennials give Trump the worst ratings, with a staggering 76 percent disapproving of his handling of being president, and 61 percent classifying themselves as "strongly disapprove."
A total of 68 percent of Latino/Latina millennials disapprove of Trump, with 53 percent falling into the "strongly disapprove" category, while 67 percent of Asian-American millennials disapprove of him, 51 percent of them strongly.
Which means, of course, that white voting-age millennials must really be throwing off the averages. According to the survey, 55 percent of white millennial respondents voiced disapproval of the president, a narrow majority in relative terms. And of those 55 percent, just 36 percent said they strongly disapproved of him, the lowest-such figure by 15 points.
In other words, even as millennial support for Trump has eroded (along with support for him overall over the past few months), how people feel about him is still sharply divided along racial lines, with white voters ― more than 60 percent of whom backed Trump in 2016 ― maintaining their representation as his most durable base of power and support.