
These Halloween Costumes For Blondes Will Make Costume Hunting So Easy This Year

by Amy Sciarretto
Courtesy of

Are you struggling with Halloween costume ideas for 2018? Even more specifically — are you a blonde who is having a hard time deciding who or what you want to be this Halloween season? Well, there are plenty of easy Halloween costumes for blondes — especially if you want to incorporate your natural hair hue. If you simply aren't in the mood to deal with the hassle of having to wear a wig or don't wish to put too much effort into disguising your natural shade with a variety of tricks and treats, look no further.

You can be a fellow blonde, like, say Taylor Swift, with relative ease based on the pieces and elements of your costume. Or you can be extremely pop culturally topical and dirty blonde like Lady Gaga's character Ally in A Star in Born. Or you can be totally punk rock by grabbing a can or three of L'Oreal Colorista temporary spray and blast your follicles with temporary, wash out color if you have a hankering to be Harley Quinn (and her multi-colored strands) from Suicide Squad.

You don't need to spend a ton of money this Halloween in order to have a decent and instantly recognizable costume. In fact, you can DIY it inexpensively and with low maintenance components.

Here are easy, breezy Halloween costumes for blondes to rock during the spooky season.

1. Vintage Taylor Swift

The "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" video represented quite a goofy and memorable look for Swift. It's also supremely easy to copy.

2. Harley Quinn

It'll feel so, so good to be a badass when dressing up as this enduring and bat-wielding DC Comics character.

3. Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe is a classic. If you're already a blonde, you can curl and tuck your hair to copy her iconic The Seven Year Itch subway dress style. It doesn't matter what shade of blonde you are. The other costume elements announce who you are. They are delish as the breeze.

4. Alice In Wonderland

If you want to do a Disney Princess this Halloween, Alice in Wonderland is a more-than-viable option for blondes. No wigs needed.

5. Daenerys From Game Of Thrones

Of course Daenerys costumes are a fave for Halloween. If you are already fair-haired, you can style your hair in some braids and with tendrils.

6. Barbie

Barbie has gone through so many iterations and incarnations. She has become more and more inclusive, which is important since so many girls of different backgrounds continue to play with the doll. She can also be an easy Halloween costume for you.

These are easy, inexpensive, and recyclable Halloween costume ideas for blondes.