How To Write A Postcard To "President Bannon"

Concerned they've been airing their grievances to the wrong guy, critics of the Trump administration have launched a new campaign to get the president's attention. But rather than flood the White House mailbox with letters to President Donald Trump, folks are addressing their correspondences to someone they believe may hold more power — Steve Bannon. The #PostcardstoBannon campaign directs people to write to the White House addressing their letters to "President Bannon" rather than President Trump in a move meant to troll Trump. So, how do you write a postcard to President Bannon?"
Trump wasn't in office long before the narrative emerged that Bannon, his chief strategist, was actually running the show. First there were reports that Bannon was driving many of the policy directives coming out of the White House, including Trump's controversial executive order on immigration. Then there was Bannon's appointment to the National Security Council. Soon after Trump critics had dubbed Bannon "President Bannon," in a not-so-subtle nod to the incredible amount of influence he seemed to wield over Trump.
#PostcardstoBannon takes the gag one step further by filling the White House mailbox with postcards and letters sure to ruffle Trump's feathers. The good news for anyone looking to resist the Trump administration via snail mail is that sending a postcard to "President Bannon" is easy.
First, you'll want to pick out a suitably eye-catching postcard. Perhaps something showing off your town, related to a cause close to your heart, or adorned with a political slogan you find especially empowering? Or perhaps something a bit more humorous? While you're free to get creative, I (adamantly) suggest avoiding anything explicit, obscene, violent, or threatening in nature. Even a sheet of simple paper and a basic envelope will do.
Scribble a quick note about whatever your heart desires — your love of Planned Parenthood; your commitment to protecting the rights of your Muslim friends; your opposition to a border wall, your thoughts on intersectional feminism; your question about how Bannon went from Breitbart to the White House — the options are endless.
To ensure your letter has the best chance of reaching Bannon, you'll want to address it to the following address:
White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
Don't expect to get a response, as that isn't the intent of the #PostcardstoBannon campaign. Rather, the aim appears to be centered more on potentially causing a rift between Trump and his chief strategist in an attempt to limit Bannon's influence.
While it's impossible to predict if the #PostcardstoBannon will be a success, claims Bannon was pulling the strings behind the scenes haven't sat well with Trump. "I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it," the president tweeted Feb. 6 in an apparent attempt to dispel the idea that it was Bannon who was calling the shots in the White House. "Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!"