
Judi Dench Says TikTok Saved Her Life In Quarantine & Dished On Learning Those Dance Moves

Isabel Infantes - PA Images/PA Images/Getty Images

Staying at home during a nationwide pandemic can feel daunting for anyone; however, there's one iconic celebrity who has discovered the perfect way to help cure your quarantine woes. While recently speaking with Channel 4 News, Dame Judi Dench revealed how TikTok proved to be a life-saver for her while in quarantine, even if she still doesn't totally understand how it works. The 85-year-old British actor began filming videos in April during the COVID-19 lockdown with the help of her grandson, Sam Williams, and she wants more.

"It saved my life. I know nothing about TikTok. Sam is the person who is technically minded and who has all the ideas, so he got very strict," Dench explained, referencing her 22-year-old grandchild. "He made me do it. I had to rehearse. I had to rehearse all those moves, don't just think that comes naturally." The clips have proven to be a real hit among fans, but for the Oscar-winning performer it served as more of a life line than merely a form of entertainment. It gave her some direction for how to pass the time.

"It's just that every day is so uncharted. You wake up and you wonder what day it is and then you wonder what date it is and sometimes what month," the Cats star admitted in regards to the pandemic. "And then you think, 'Well what do I do today?' And if the prospect is, 'Well, what is there to do today?'"

And as for whether or not she'd be willing to keep her TikTok skills going, Dench shared that she'd be very open to signing on for other projects involving the social media app, should the opportunity present itself. "I hope I'm asked to do more, but of course, I can't ask for the part," she joked.

However, making TikTok videos isn't the only thing on Dench's mind these days. She remains worried that the pandemic will prevent live theater productions in the United Kingdom from opening during the rest of the her life.

"It's a desperate feeling. Will they ever open again? I don't know," she stated. "Certainly, I'm sure not in my lifetime. I can't see how it's going to recover... I'm not saying it should be more prioritized than anything else, but it just is going to be a very serious affect on all of us."

Dench's TikTok content may not be the same as enjoying live theater, but if we're really being honest, it's the next best thing.