
Judy Blume Is Teaching A Class On Writing, And You Can Enroll Right Now

by Cristina Arreola

There's a good chance you probably learned a thing or two about falling in love, getting into relationships, and getting out of relationships from YA author Judy Blume. But now you have the chance to learn something else from the New York Times bestselling author of Forever, Blubber, and Are You There? It's Me, Margaret: Judy Blume will be teaching her first ever online class on writing, courtesy of MasterClass.

"This is my chance to share my experiences, my process, and what I've learned in 50 years of writing, in the hope that it will inspire and encourage you, and maybe even light your fire," Judy Blume said in a press release.

MasterClass is an online education company that provides classes from world-renowned instructors on a variety of topics. In other words, you can learn about singing from Christina Aguilera or screenwriting for television from Shonda Rhimes or tennis from Serena Williams — all from the comfort of your bedroom! Maybe even in pajamas! And with a snack! Each class includes video lessons from the instructor, interactive exercises, course materials, and peer interaction.

In a trailer for the class, Blume talks about her own adolescence and how it shaped her future writing. "As a 12 year old," she says. "I was obsessed with the idea of growing breasts and getting my period, but there was no place where I could read about it."

"When I started to write," she adds. "I was determined to be honest."

Blume, who has sold 85 million copies of her books worldwide, will be teaching her students how to write about the timeless topic that weaves through all her books: love. Students will learn how to take their own personal experiences and turn them into fiction, and the class will focus on the practicalities of writing — process, story, voice, editing dialogue, and, most importantly, character. "You're living with these people for years," she says in the trailer. "You had better feel for them."

The trailer also gives fans a sneak peek into Blume's own process. Writers, take comfort in the fact that she hates writing first drafts, too. "I hate every second of it," Blume says. "I have a messy mind, and my writing is a process of cleaning up the mess. Then, slowly, making a story. I will be able to show that to you."

Judy Blume's class is available for pre-enrollment now, and all classes are available for individual purchase.