Larry David Made A Holocaust Joke On ‘SNL’ & The Internet Is Pretty, Pretty Divided

Comedian and Saturday Night Live staple Larry David returned to the SNL stage over the weekend, but this time, he took a leading role. David delivered the show's opening monologue on Saturday, in an episode that also featured Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth. Although he has become a beloved fixture of the show over many years, David's SNL monologue featured controversial Holocaust jokes that immediately divided fans on social media.
"So you know, a lot of sexual harassment stuff in the news of late, and you know, I couldn't help but a very disturbing pattern emerging, which is that many of the predators — not all, but many of them — are Jews," David said slowly and dramatically.
David, who is Jewish, was no doubt referring to the multitude of allegations made against Harvey Weinstein in recent weeks. Women from Hollywood and beyond have accused Weinstein of sexual harassment, assault, and other misconduct over a period of at least three decades. Weinstein has denied the criminal allegations.
"I don't like it when Jews are in the headlines for notorious reasons," David continued, seeming to make the message personal. Shortly thereafter, David turned his attention to the Holocaust. He joked about hypothetically hitting on women in a concentration camp.
You know, I've always, always been obsessed with women, and I've often wondered, if I'd grown up in Poland when Hitler came to power and was sent to a concentration camp, would I still be checking out women in the camp? I think I would.
"Of course, the problem is, there are no good opening lines in a concentration camp," David went on to say.
From the start, David seemed to embrace his reputation for shock-value comedy. As he walked onto the stage to begin his monologue, he greeted the audience with, "You tolerate me. You really, really tolerate me."
The controversial and buzzed-about jokes that followed seemed to earn laughs from the live, in-studio audience, but the reaction from fans elsewhere was nothing short of mixed. On Twitter, responses ranged from supportive and entertained to uncomfortable and offended.
The Chrissy Teigen cringe strikes again.
"The Most Larry David Thing Ever"
What did you expect?
Too Far
It's still too soon, Larry.
Brutally Honest
Let's keep it in perspective folks. Former Press Secretary Sean Spicer made comments about the Holocaust in a totally real, non-comedic setting. “You had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn't even sink to using chemical weapons,” Spicer once (falsely) said.
"Painfully Unfunny"
Nice try, Larry.
Not Bothered
David's Quasimodo bit also appeared in the opening monologue.
"He Bombed"
Not everyone was unbothered by the jokes.
Curb Your Enthusiasm
The comedian is well known for his off-kilter television series.
What a sudden change of direction.
An Extra Hour
Thank goodness for Daylight Saving Time.
Think Again
Is your mind blown?
Not A First Choice
There had to have been another choice.
That doggo does not look entertained.
They can't all be funny, right?
But how did you know?
I guess it could have been worse, right?
Bernie Sanders
Holocaust jokes aren't the only thing that David is known for on the SNL stage.
Beyond the monologue, David also joined Cyrus, Hemsworth, Alec Baldwin, and other members of the SNL cast in a Price Is Right-themed sketch. The parody gave Baldwin an opportunity to reprise his recurring role as President Trump and David to return as former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders. Meanwhile, the Weekend Update team parodied Eric Trump and Donald Trump, Jr. encountering Halloween candy and celebrated the Houston Astros' win in the World Series last week. Oh, and Baldwin's Trump held a meeting in a shower.
Still, nothing seemed to take the Twittersphere by storm quite like David's questionable Holocaust jokes.