Lena Headey Reveals Her Plans For After 'Game Of Thrones'

With just two more seasons to go, you may be wondering what Lena Headey will do after Game Of Thrones. In her role as Cersei, she's taken on one of the most controversial and hotly-discussed characters on the show, but, of course, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms has also managed to captivate the media. In her interview with The New York Times, Headey's plan for her post-Game of Thrones career revolves around the idea of taking things into her own hands and lifting other women up. Instead of playing a role in someone else's movie, she's developing her own projects, which feels like exactly what Joffrey's mother would do if she were an actor in 2017.
Perhaps this is due to Headey's clear distaste for what she terms the "boys' club" of the entertainment industry, with The New York Times alleging she was under pressure to "sleep with powerful men" (though she stresses she never gave in to this pressure). In light of those claims, it's no wonder the 43 year old is choosing to develop her own work. What better method is there to ensure you get some really juicy roles?
From the sounds of things, it's going well. She's already developing an adaptation of H is for Hawk, a powerful true story about a woman training a goshawk following her father passing away, which according to The Guardian led to its author, Helen Macdonald winning the 2014 Costa book prize and the Samuel Johnson prize for non-fiction. While we don't get to find out what role she would take in the film, her interview does confirm that she would both be starring in it and producing it with Plan B Entertainment (Brad Pitt's production company). Given that there's not so many roles in the memoir, which mostly focuses on a woman and her pet hawk, it doesn't seem unlikely that she would take the lead role of Helen, especially since The Guardian described the protagonist in its H is for Hawk review as "approaching her 40s" in the book.
She's also developing "a dream project about Grace O’Malley, a female pirate in 16th-century Ireland." Which sounds completely perfect, since there's more than a little of Arya Stark in BBC's description of the pirate Grace O'Malley as a child: "...as a young girl, having been refused permission to join her father on a sailing expedition, she cut off her hair, dressed as a boy and snuck on board his ship." But the most exciting part of the piece was the fact that reportedly, she hopes to "create more opportunities for female filmmakers" and to also "do some directing herself."
Clearly, playing King Robert Baratheon's widow has given the actor a taste for power and for controlling her own narrative. With Headey managing to ruthlessly acquire the power to helm her own movies like Cersei and whipping up an army of female actors every bit as fearless as the Sand Snakes, the future of Hollywood sounds a little more enjoyable.