Whether you're addicted to the show or just in it to see if your Reddit theory on what Cersei could possibly be planning is on the money, you're going to want to check out these low-key brilliant Game Of Thrones theories. If you're all about engaging with the program, you've probably already skimmed through the most obvious theories out there, from the Dany is Azor Ahai to Jaime might kill Cersei to Tyrion potentially being the illegitimate son of Aerys Targaryen. Let's delve a little deeper and really get to grips with the nuts and bolts of what could be influencing the Seven Kingdoms.
The theories here mostly focus on lesser-discussed characters like Euron Greyjoy and Old Nan, and that's no coincidence. Given their limited screen time, they don't get as much focus from most theorists. However, given George R.R. Martin's love for sudden plot twists and the unexpected, presumably it could be one of these very characters who end up changing everything in Season 8.
Aside from the first listed below, to start with the obvious, these may not be the theories that are on everyone's lips. But, once you read them, these are theories that will keep you up at night, burrowing down an internet rabbit hole to see if there's any supporting evidence that people haven't noticed.
1The Maester Conspiracy Theory
A long-held fan theory argues that the Maesters, who work as scientists, healers, and scholars for their noble overlords, are trying to get rid of all of the magic in the world so that they (and reason and science) can hold sway. That would make them even more powerful, since people would be forced to consult knowledgeable, rational men, instead of religions or warlocks, for advice and help.
Reddit user jdylopa has written an incredibly long, detailed description of the theory and its ramifications, but, in a nutshell, the Maesters have been hoarding magical items in the Citadel while simultaneously denying that magic exists (as we saw in many of Sam's conversations with the Maesters in Season 7). As we know from the books, the Maesters aren't above manipulating situations for their own gain, with jdylopa describing how the books show that "the maesters were responsible for setting Robert's Rebellion into motion, even if Rhaegar was the spark that lit the kindling they were building."
The theory is supported by the books, in which Maester Marwyn seems to imply that the Maesters are behind the dwindling number of dragons, asking Sam, “Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords? The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons.” Chilling.
2The Entire Show Takes Place In A Giant's Eye
According to Moviepilot, Game Of Thrones happens in the eye of a giant. The Season 7 promo released on March 9 ends with the camera panning out to reveal the action is taking place within a blue eye. So far, so random. Or is it actually that arbitrary? While the blue eye could be that of the Night King, as Moviepilot observes, in the second promo (which ends on a slightly brighter blue eye, but shows us more of the face surrounding the eye), it looks far more similar to that of Wun Wun, the Free Folk giant. But Wun Wun died during the Battle of the Bastards, so, if it isn't him, then who is it?
In Season 1, Episode 3, we get to witness Old Nan telling Bran a story about the long winter. When Robb interrupts, he tells Bran, "One time she told me the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant named Macumber." What makes this all the more sinister is that we know Nan told stories about the long winter and White Walkers. If she was right about them, why wouldn't she be right about this? And this giant idea doesn't just appear here, but also at King's Landing, when Oberyn Martell says flippantly to Tywin Lannister in Season 4, "Some believe the sky is blue because we live inside the eye of a blue-eyed giant." Makes you think, right?
3Euron Greyjoy Might Start To Control Dany's Dragons
So far, Dany's dragons seem able to withstand basically everything, aside from the Night King's Olympic javelin-hurling skills, which gives her far too much of a clear advantage. Given how much the show thrives on uncertainty and everyone being theoretically murder-able, they'll need to raise the stakes for Season 8 so it's plausible that Dany, too, is in as much danger as any other character. But with two hulking great dragons, how would that be possible?
In A Feast of Crows, Euron Greyjoy claims to have explored some ruins in Valyria, and, while doing so, got his mitts on a 6 foot long horn called Dragonbinder, which he claims has the power to control dragons. Sure, he never actually demonstrates it doing so. But we do know that it leaves those humans who hear the sound of the horn with searing pain within their bones; the guy who blows the horn at the kingsmoot even later died, theoretically just from the horn noise.
Pilou Asbæk, who plays Euron, seemed to hint that Dragonbinder would appear on the show when he told Vulture in May 2016 about the way he addressed social media criticism about his character not being exactly the same as the books: "Guys! First of all, this is a fictional character. I am here as an actor to interpret. Yeah, he doesn’t have an eye patch. Yeah, he doesn’t have the Dragonbinder… or does he?" And let's be real. This would be the most obvious way for the team behind the show to give Team Cersei a helping hand so there's more suspense.
4You Can Totally Predict How Any 'Game Of Thrones' Character Will Die
Inspired by Littlefinger's bloody death, Reddit user razobak09 recently published a compelling list proving that Game Of Thrones characters are often "killed in the same or similar fashion as in their most infamous moments." For example, "Ned Stark used his greatsword Ice to behead the Night's Watchman; he was beheaded with his own sword." Tywin's cruelest moment came when he ordered the Red Wedding, where many of the Stark men were killed by crossbow. He, too, was killed by crossbow.
Then there's Roose Bolton (killed Robb Stark with a knife to the heart, then died in the same way), Walder Frey (ordered someone to cut Catelyn Stark's throat, got his throat cut), Ramsay Bolton (liked feeding his enemies to his dogs, got eaten by his dogs). There are so, so many more examples, but ,if you're not yet convinced, think of the Sand Snakes, who were "each killed in a way that mirrored their own style," namely, "Nymeria was strangled by her own whip, Obara was impaled with her own spear, and Tyene was killed by her favorite poison."
Then, of course, there's Littlefinger. He betrayed Ned Stark by holding a knife to Ned's throat, and there was also the little matter of "the Valyrian Catspaw Dagger" that was used in the attempt to assassinate Bran and that he blamed on the Lannisters, sparking the enmity between the two houses. That later became the exact same dagger he was executed with.
5We Know How Cersei Will Die
Bearing that last theory in mind, now on to Jaime's sister. Redditor CashWho set the internet alight with their theory that Cersei will die in childbirth. The Queen's death was prophesied by Maggy the Frog, who predicted, "Three [children] for you. Gold shall be their crowns and gold their shrouds. And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."
CashWho argues that Cersei will definitely die in childbirth since, "The kid will be a male, thus fulfilling the 'Little Brother' requirement, and, she'll be dead, thus fulfilling the 'only have 3 children' requirement." Besides which, there's the little fact that this would mean "her dying the way Tyrion was born and we've got us some wonderful poetic justice." Given all the violence that House Lannister has dished out to both its own and other children, like Jaime pushing Bran out of a window after Bran witnessed him getting it on with his sister, Cersei blowing up the two Tyrell children, Cersei poisoning Tyene with a kiss, and Tommen killing himself in response to his mother blowing up the Sept... well, it definitely fits in with the general death pattern of characters reaping what they sow.
These theories are great because they're not just convincing, but entertaining. Some of them may even be more entertaining than actually watching the show. Admit the obvious: sometimes, you're so much more about Game Of Thrones theories than Game Of Thrones.