Macy’s Is Now The First US Department Store To Sell Hijabs & It’s About Time

Dozens of different clothing lines launch every single day, but this one is pushing department stores in a more inclusive direction. According to Market Watch, The Verona Collection is launching at Macy's. The company, which specializes in modest clothing including hijabs, will arrive at the department store in mid-February, and it's about darn time.
When you think of the word "department store" there's a good chance that inclusivity doesn't come straight to mind — but it will soon. Macy's has teamed up with The Verona Collection to bring modest dress into its stores. According to the Business Wire, the collection will include dresses, cardigans, tops, and hijabs.
The Verona Collection will be available at Macy's in stores and online on Feb. 15, according to Market Watch. The publication also states that the price will range from $12.95 to $84.95, which is slightly more affordable than other brands at the department store.
“Verona Collection is more than a clothing brand. It’s a platform for a community of women to express their personal identity and embrace fashion that makes them feel confident on the inside and outside,” said Lisa Vogl, founder of Verona Collection, in an interview with Business Wire. “Macy’s has been an amazing partner, helping us strengthen the foundation of our business through The Workshop at Macy’s and now introducing our brand to their consumers through this collaboration.”
The new line was designed by Lisa Vogl, who is a 2017 graduate of The Workshop at Macy's. The program was put in place to focus on incorporating minority and women-owned businesses into the department store. Both are being represented through Verona Collection, but the message is so much bigger than just great fashion.
Hijabs are nothing new to Muslim women, but it's not every day that you see them incorporated so effortlessly into a fashion line. The brand creates gorgeous, hand-dyed hijabs in versatile fabrics. In fact, the entire line is about layering. The collection manages to appeal to just about everyone, while having a modest appeal for those in need.
“Through The Workshop at Macy’s, Lisa shared her vision to create a collection that speaks to a community of women looking for a solution to their fashion needs,” said Cassandra Jones, senior vice president of Macy’s Fashion. “Verona Collection offers a unique and understated elegance through everyday essentials designed for versatility and comfort, and through our partnership, we can better serve our customer looking for modest fashion.”
This isn't the only minority and women-owned brand that you'll see roll out at Macy's, either. The Workshop at Macy's is working on bringing a variety of other collections into the stores as well.
“Through The Workshop at Macy’s, we want to nurture and support minority- and women-owned businesses to build their capabilities and become the next generation of retail partners,” said Shawn Outler, Macy’s executive vice president, to Business Wire. “We are truly encouraged by the successes of our graduated businesses, including Verona Collection, and look forward to hosting a new class of participants this spring.”
The fashion is becoming more diverse with the amount of small businesses and anti-photoshopping campaigns out there, but this is a big moment for department stores. Prices can typically be and brands can seem exclusive, but the workshop is pushing for more diversity, which is ultimately a win for everyone.
If you can't wait for the collection to launch to get your hands on the looks, you can head over to Verona Collection's website and stock up on the maxi dresses and hand-dyed hijabs right now. The brand is offering 20 percent off some of its bestselling styles right now too. Think of it as a little taste of what's to come.