
Maggie & Alex Took A Big Step On 'Supergirl'

by Leah Marilla Thomas
Dean Buscher/The CW

Holy Zod, my Sanvers heart is bursting. After Kara's sister is kidnapped by a creepy ex-schoolmate, Maggie and Alex say "I love you" on Supergirl. Their relationship, which has been keeping a safe and steady pace, finally takes a major step forward.

The May 1 episode puts Alex in danger, and while she is far from being a damsel in distress, it puts some things in perspective for the couple. Maggie's professionalism as a cop wis put on the line. She is willing to break someone out of jail to save her girlfriend — that's major. Possibly even bigger than telling someone you love them. This incident also forces Maggie and Kara to work together, which is apparently harder than you may think, even when someone they both care about is hanging in the balance.

I'm going to be honest, I went back and forth with Maggie in this episode. At the beginning, I was totally on her side. I've been watching a lot of Law & Order: SVU recently and it makes total sense that defense attorneys would cite Supergirl's strength as badgering, vigilantism, or excessive force in order to get their clients off. Kara is not trained law enforcement, and this is not Gotham. She should focus her energies on extra-terrestrial threats. I'm Team Cap all the way, and don't think that Kara should be restricted, but she simply isn't always needed.

On the other hand, I don't think its fair for Maggie to deny Kara's bond with Alex or claim that as her girlfriend, she is more important. Alex and Kara are sisters. Maggie knows Alex in different ways, but Alex and Kara have known each other longer. They're at least equally invested in Alex's well-being.

Dean Buscher/The CW

However, that tension between Kara and Maggie does ultimately lead to said love declaration, so if it causes Maggie to examine her feelings I certainly can't complain. I'll be interested to see how Maggie and Kara's working relationship grows from this point on — but what's more important is that Maggie and Alex are alive and well and in love on Supergirl.