These Maxine Waters "Reclaiming My Time" Memes & Tweets Are All Kinds Of Fire

Last Thursday, California Rep. Maxine Waters once again proved she won't tolerate nonsense. During a hearing conducted by the House Financial Services Committee, Waters questioned Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on why he hadn't responded to a letter she'd sent about President Trump's financial connections to the Russian government. Mnuchin sidestepped the question several times, prompting Waters to repeatedly declare that she was "reclaiming my time," a phrase used to reset the clock when people stall during questioning by a House member. While that may have been the definition of the phrase, in no time, memes jokes, and tributes were spreading like wildfire on social media.
"Thank you very much, I don't want to take my time up with how great I am."
Mnuchin first tried to soften Waters' demeanor with flattery: "First of all, let me thank you for your service to California. Being a resident of California, I appreciate everything that you've done for the community there..." But Waters could see the direction Mnuchin wanted to take and immediately said, "Thank you very much, I don't want to take my time up with how great I am."
Mnuchin continued praising the California representative, prompting Waters to break in with the now-viral phrase: "Reclaiming my time, reclaiming my time." House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling then granted Waters her reclaimed time.
Waters reiterated her question — "Is there some reason why I did not get a response to the letter that I sent May 23rd?" — numerous times and in every instance, Mnuchin failed to immediately provide an answer, compelling Waters to reclaim her time yet again. "Just please, go straight to the answer," she urged him at one point.
Waters' insistence on getting straight to business was inspirational to women and people of color — and, above all, to black women — who related to the experience of being spoken over and having their time wasted. Check out how some reacted to Waters' latest viral moment.
Most Of The World For The Next Three And A Half Years
Definitely Think So
The New Way To Handle Small Talk
This Needs To Exist
Can't Blame You
Men Better Get Ready
That's Right
Billboard #1 Album Material
Seriously, We Need This
One Long Thesis...
Adjust That Attitude Around Maxine
One Of The Best Things To Happen In 2017
It Works In So Many Situations
Good Question
She's Too Right
Just Get To The Point
When You Already KNOW You're Great
Already Bringing Results
Keep It Simple
Next Time You Get Hit With A Pickup Line...
This Phrase Is Going To Get A LOT Of Use
Along With Your Time, There's A Lot Else To Reclaim
On Friday, Waters shared a tweet by Racquel Willis, national organizer of the Transgender Law Center, embracing "reclaiming my time" as her new catchphrase.