Students' Pro-Trump Shirts Edited Out Of Yearbook Photos
Resistance is necessary — but there are right ways and wrong ways to go about it. If you want a lesson in what not to do, just take a look at the anger that has erupted in Wall Township, New Jersey, after someone edited a pro-Trump t-shirt out of a yearbook.
Believe me, I wouldn't want to see a Make America Great Again in my high school yearbook either — but it's the person who removed the Trump logos and quotes who's 100 percent completely in the wrong. (Bustle has reached out to the school for comment.) The school district's superintendent has released a statement that read, "This allegation is being taken very seriously and a thorough investigation of what happened is being vigorously pursued."
The superintendent's statement also says that "the administration of Wall High School was not aware of and does not condone any censorship of political views on the part of our students."
The specific case here was that at least three students at Wall Township High School in New Jersey opened their yearbooks to find something other than what they expected. Two boys, Grant Berardo and Wyatt Dobrovich-Fago, both had Trump logos on their shirts in their yearbook pictures, but they found the Trump material edited out in the version of the photos in the yearbook. Another girl, Dobrovich-Fago's sister Montana, had submitted a Trump quote to be displayed under her photo — but in the final printing, it wasn't there.
The parents of the affected students are furious, and they're now demanding action. CNN reported that the yearbook adviser has been suspended over it, and the parents are loudly calling for the yearbook to be re-released, with a full apology from the school.
And the thing is, this isn't an overreaction. All Americans are free to express their political opinions, and the school's dress code has nothing in it to prevent students from displaying political logos in their photos — the superintendent stated as much. Removing a Trump quote and a couple of logos may not sound like much, but it's censorship, plain and simple. And no matter who's doing the censoring, it's wrong.
I'd rather not look at that student's Trump shirt, and I'm sure he'd rather not read most of my articles — but he has a right to wear it, and I have a right to write them. That, at least, we can agree on.