
Allure's April 2017 Cover Is Stunning

by Kali Borovic
Allure Magazine

Think of the last magazine you saw on newsstand. Odds are that it had a well-known model on the front with tons of catchy story titles around it. Well, one publication is doing things a little differently this month. Instead of highlighting the best products for spring, Allure's April cover features three models of color, Dilone, Aamito Lagum, and Imaam Hammam. And the celebration of diversity doesn't stop there.

As Fashionista points out, diversity on magazine covers has widely improved in the past year. According to the publication, 19.8 percent of covers featured people of color in 2015, and that number increased to 35.3 percent in 2016. If the cover is any indication, hopefully magazine diversity will only be getting better in the months and years to come.

Allure's April issue features 41 women of color talking about their experiences. Representing them on the front cover are models Dilone, Lagum, Hammam, who all share their stories inside as well.

The women look absolutely stunning in their close-up cover shot. But even more importantly, they look strong and confident — something that the cover story reflects. "Because our skin can be both a vulnerability and a defense," reads the Allure article. "But most importantly, it can be a source of celebration."

Everyone from stars like Top Chef's Padma Lakshmi to business owners and actresses share "the story of their lives through their skin — and skin tone". Throughout the article, women talk about their role models, heritage, and the struggles and triumphs faced in the fashion world. You can read all 41 stories on the Allure website right now.

Allure Magazine

Fans are absolutely loving the direction that the publication has taken. Twitter reactions show that it's not just the gorgeous cover that is getting attention, either. The message of the story is radiating just as strongly as the models beauty.

Kudo to you, Allure!

The emoji says it all.


Even more kudos!

Simple, sweet, and to the point.

This is a cover, indeed.

BRB, going to hunt down an issue.

If these reactions are any indication, this cover is sure to go down in history as one of the most impactful.