Netflix's It's Bruno! follows Malcolm (played by series creator Solvan "Slick" Naim) and his rescue dog as they wander around Bushwick, Brooklyn. The two are clearly inseparable, and Malcolm gets upset whenever anyone touches his dog, calls him the wrong name, or doesn't let him bring Bruno into a store. But luckily, thanks to the It's Bruno! dog's Instagram, you can appreciate him from afar all you want.
As Naim told Variety, Bruno is played by his own rescue dog — also named Bruno, of course. "I always knew there was something very interesting and charismatic about [my] dog," Naim explained. "Bruno always has these facial expressions and a demeanor about him that's hilarious. He's just a loving dog and he always wants to show you attention. He's never angry or mad. We can all learn a little something from him."
Indeed, if the show's trailer is any indication, Bruno brings people together — often much to Malcolm's chagrin, as mere strangers will approach him and start petting his dog without asking permission (a no-no in New York). However, Bruno also helps to attract a beautiful woman named Lulu (GLOW's Shakira Barrera), who is apparently riveted by the dog's "daily routine." As for Bruno's real-life routine, that is fairly well-documented on his Instagram, which doubles as PR for his owner's Netflix series. Here are some of the cutest posts.
He's a Rescue
As Bruno (read: Naim) laid out in a post for National Pet Parents Day, the puggle was rescued from a shelter.
He's A Very Good Acting Boy
While some dogs might be camera-shy, Bruno seems to have taken a shining to it, as he's smiling happily at the cinematographer in this photo. In fact, he was Naim's inspiration for the series in the first place. As he told Complex, "[O]ne day I was working on something else.... I took a little break and I looked to my left and I had my dog. I have three dogs, they're all starring in the show, but Bruno is the lead obviously. I looked at Bruno's face and he just started cracking me up."
He's Obsessed With The Mailperson
He's Comfortable Sharing The Spotlight
Bruno took this opportunity to introduce followers to his two best friends, Bella and Angie, who will also appear in It's Bruno.
He's Great At Relaxing
After a long day of filming, what else can a puggle do but take a load off? He put in a lot of hard work, and he certainly deserves some R&R.
Fans won't have to wait long to see this talented puggle in action: It's Bruno hits Netflix on Friday, May 17. And if Bruno is half as cute onscreen as he is on Instagram, it's bound to be an adorable series filled with hijinks from Bushwick's most inseparable duo.