The Women's March Announced The Final Action In Its Campaign
As part of its ongoing commitment to action against the Trump administration, the Women's March announced its final plan of action to round out its 10 Actions/100 Days campaign via Instagram on Wednesday. The Pledge of Liberation is an American promise to the people, not the institutions, that create the country, because the public should always be at the heart of politics in this nation.
"We are mobilizing our communities to sign a Pledge of Liberation—a declaration of allegiance to each other," the organization said in its social media post Wednesday morning introducing the Pledge of Liberation. "We cannot pledge allegiance to an administration that oppresses and harms us. Instead, we pledge allegiance to the liberation of all people. We pledge allegiance to each other."
According to the post, the Women's March is also coordinating with the ACLU, United We Dream, and an anti-street harassment organization called Hollaback to support this endeavor. In addition to the social media campaign, there will also be marches and demonstrations at in-district congressional offices around the country on May 8 (here's how to find out where your closest congressional office is so you can participate). You can also sign the pledge here.
This is a great end to the actions that the Women's March and other resistance organizations have taken throughout the last 100 days because it's a critical reminder to always keep the emphasis on the people. It makes perfect sense that the final action of the first 100 days is actually directed at Congress and not at the presidency. Some of the legislation coming out of Congress, namely the Republican attempts to appeal Obamacare, make it clear that the constituency is not the true concern of all elected leaders. Plus, Trump has already proven himself largely inefficient in his short time in office, so in some ways, he's no longer the main threat. Instead, the Congressional representatives who feel emboldened under his political cover are the ones who need to be reminded that they are being held accountable by the American people.
Although the Pledge of Liberation is the last of the 10 Actions/100 Days campaign, it hopefully won't be the last by the Women's March in general. The organization has been a driving force for change during the Trump presidency, and it could continue to do a lot of good going forward. Either way, make sure you sign the pledge and promote the campaign on Facebook, and most importantly, show up to march with your fellow Americans if you can on May 8.