
Anthony Scaramucci Should Watch This Video Of Himself Talking About Getting Fired

by Joseph D. Lyons

Anthony Scaramucci, the Mooch, technically wasn't supposed to start work until August 15, but he's already out of a job. And you can imagine that the parting wasn't very amicable, given the open controversy surrounding his public statements. But Scaramucci shouldn't worry; he just needs to follow his own advice. In 2016, Scaramucci gave an interview about getting fired on video, and now he needs to listen to his own words of wisdom.

It's true that even a glowing letter of recommendation couldn't massage this very public rejection from the Trump White House, but no worries there if you follow his mantra. Here's what Scaramucci told Salon's Carrie Sheffield in October:

"You have to get fired with dignity. And it's almost a crazy thing to say this thing, but it's when your parents are hitting you and they say, 'This hurts me more than it hurts you.' I think sometimes people that are doing the firing, it's a very painful thing for them to um ... I'm sure they don't want to fire the person that they're firing."

In other words, Trump should really not worry about the firing. He surely didn't want to. It's just that Scaramucci needed to be fired that much — something will be clear with time. Or at least, that's what this interview suggests.

He then talked about what comes next, obviously a helpful thing to keep in mind when the leader of the free world kicks you to the curb. "If you are in your mid-career and you’ve been fired, you've got to get out there with your network, you've got to branch out and ask as many favors as possible," he tells Sheffield before jumping into explaining a psychological principle named after Ben Franklin, the Ben Franklin Effect. Supposedly if you want to make a friend, you have to ask them for a favor.

"It's this sort of counterintuitive message," he acknowledges. It seems that Franklin had a problem with one of his contemporaries back when he was busy founding the country. In order to win him over, he borrowed a book and then returned it a week later with a thank you note. It totally worked.

Scaramucci explained further, "You're engendering someone to give you an act of kindness, and it makes them feel very good about themselves. And then all of a sudden the reciprocity of that relationship gets started." Now the Mooch is going to need to ask one massive favor; the only question then is to whom.

Another part of it, at least according to Scaramucci, is that "maybe this man will do something for me someday." So how much is a future favor from the Mooch worth? A job? A book deal? A tell-all interview? Only time will tell what his next gig will be.

Meanwhile, he just needs to stay positive about it. As he said, "If you’re in mid-career and you’ve been fired, pick up the phone and call as many people as you possibly can and ask them favors, get back in the workplace, stay optimistic, stay young." You've got to admit that's really good advice — even if the President of the United States has just shown you the boot.