
'Star' Will Return For Season 2 Soon

by Kayla Hawkins
Carin Baer/FOX

New drama Star has everything — some pretty catchy music, a cast filled with women and POC, terrible wigs, plot twists that could give you whiplash, and, occasionally, transitions right out of a Power Point presentation. It's also one of the most addictive shows on TV, and since there's no way the Mar. 15 Season 1 finale could possibly wrap up all of the storylines in just a single hour, when will Star return for Season 2? I don't know if I can handle having to wait much longer to find out about everything from Alex's pregnancy, to Cotton's surgery, to if there's any more ways Simone's abusive foster father can figure out how to derail the group despite being dead.

On Feb. 22, Fox Entertainment president David Madden made the announcement that there will be a Star Season 2. According to Deadline, Madden said, "Lee Daniels is a true visionary, and he and Tom Donaghy have delivered a series with a unique and meaningful point of view," according to Deadline. The series may have gotten an early renewal, but I don't believe it will get an early return. The show won't be back until the 2017-2018 season, but the network neglected to mention how long the new season will be or if it will premiere in the fall, or wait until midseason. Of course, Star fans will want it to return as quickly as possible.

Star almost always has a little bit too much going on, but that's part of what makes it so charming. The show is a little messy and disorganized but it's also on its way to being as addictive as Empire. And while the super-popular and almost scientifically engineered drama on Empire is a perfect example of what Star could be if it does everything right, Empire is returning for the remainder of its third season in the same time slot where Star was airing. But Empire has had long hiatuses for the past two seasons, so Star could become a winter fixture on the network.

Whenever Star comes back, there will be so much for the series to cover. The girl group's continued ascendency, more hair-related opportunities, hopefully more acceptance between Miss Carlotta and Cotton, a throwdown to get rid of Star's abusive boyfriend, and maybe a more thoughtful deployment of social justice issues like Black Lives Matter. The writers already know how to throw out a car crash/coma combo like pros — wrapping up the ongoing human trafficking plot should be no trouble now that they have a second season on the way for either late this year or early next.