We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based astrologer of MyLifeCreated.com, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each day. Today's topic: your daily horoscope for March 1, 2018.
The day kicks off with a meeting between Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Scorpio. With the planet of relationships and wealth joining forces with the planet of expansion and opportunity, we should find good fortune abound when it comes our finances and relating to others, namely when we take an approach that is genuine and heartfelt. Meanwhile, the Moon is in detailed and analytical Virgo, putting us in the mood to streamline and improve our lives. By the mid-afternoon, the Virgo Moon teams up with no-nonsense Saturn in Capricorn to help us stick firm to our goals and plans, giving us the sensibility and the resolve to see them through. Though the major event of the day happens later this evening with the Full Moon in Virgo. Since full moons represent endings and completion, this moon calls us to break or release unhealthy habits while bringing our mind, body, and soul into a place of wholeness and balance.
By late tonight, the Virgo Moon moves into an opposition with Neptune in Pisces, which pushes us to find the balance between dream and reality. While it's important for us to pay attention to facts and figures, it's also important for us to not lose hope or faith.
Read below to see what the stars mean for your sign today.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
If you've been feeling off-kilter, it's time to bring yourself back into balance by paying closer attention to your environment. This might be the perfect time to de-clutter your home or office space. Look to ways you can improve productivity and minimize stress.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Could a romantic connection be developing into something more? Or have you realized it's best to part ways with a lover in search for a better match? Today highlights your need to be accountable to your heart as well as your practical nature. Meanwhile, a creative project could land you on the map.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You may be reminded of how deeply resilient and capable you are today, which could be the push you need to keep on going, if things have felt a bit rough. At the same time, your sense of stability and financial security could improve. A job opportunity or professional accolade could be yours.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
You're called to take a creative risk today, especially when it comes to sharing your voice and your ideas with a larger audience. On the same token, you could receive the green light on an article, book pitch, or another media opportunity that could generate buzz for you.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Your finances are in the spotlight today, as you may be finalizing a contract or some sort of negotiation around your money. On the same note, this could also be a good time to begin working on your financial habits and improve the way you manage your cash. Think for the long-term.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
You're the center of attention today as you're asked to focus on you and your needs for a change. As such, treat yourself kindly and watch out for the inclination to be too self-critical. Challenge your self-perception that tells you that you aren't enough. Surround yourself with supportive folks.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
When you quiet your mind and focus on what you intuition is trying to tell you, you may have an a-ha moment or realization today that could bring you an extra dose of clarity. On a similar note, you may physically realize where you need to take it easy on yourself an get more rest. Money improves.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Think quality over quantity today as you could find yourself parting ways with a friendship or social circle that just doesn't seem to make sense for you anymore. The more you step into being fully who you are, the more you may realize that there are spaces in which you no longer fit. That's OK.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
If there's something you're feeling that you're lacking or you flat out don't like when it comes to your career or financial situation, recognize that you have the power to change things around and make improvements. Don't get stuck on what others think about you. Draw your focus inward.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
There's a chance that you could see your name in print today or have folks beating down your door looking for your advice or expertise. Even if your inbox isn't blowing up with opportunities, you shouldn't have a hard time finding them. Look to ways you can get paid for your words or ideas.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
You could be making some big money moves today, which may involve putting the final touches on a joint investment with a partner or receiving a lump sum of cash owed to you. Either way, it's time to focus on being more productive with your cash while trusting in the power of abundance.
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
A significant partnership takes center stage, as you're asked to question how mutually beneficial it really is. In order for a relationship of any sort to work, both parties have to be equally invested and willing to do the work it takes to maintain it. Make sure your relationship lives up to this standard.