We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based astrologer of MyLifeCreated.com, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each day. Today's topic: your monthly horoscope for May 2019.
This month pushes us to align our heads with our hearts with multiple planets entering practical Taurus (including a New Moon in Taurus on May 4), motivating Mars entering emotional Cancer (May 15), a Full Moon in passionate Scorpio (May 18), and the confident Sun entering curious Gemini (May 21).
Of course, aligning head and heart is no easy feat, but one way we can do so is by honoring what we need emotionally and then taking the logical steps towards getting those needs met, even if it means letting go of people, things, or situations we thought we needed -- but don't.
Plus, with chatty Mercury joining the Sun to help kick off Gemini season, we'll find that there's so much more out there for us to learn, engage, and see.
Happy Birthday, Gemini!
It's all about your money this month as you could get the opportunity to start a new gig or the chance to boost your income. Either way, know your worth. In terms of an intimate relationship, don't shy away from vulnerability. Your home life may bring some changes, like renovations or relocation.
You're the cosmic darling now which means you can get just about anything or anyone that you want, as long as you believe that you can. If you've been feeling the urge to update your look or wardrobe, do it. Looking and feeling your best can bring opportunity. Too, let a dead relationship go.
Your birthday season starts this month, and the cosmos is sending some goodies your way — like the confidence and charm you need in order to achieve your goals and feel your best. Meanwhile, make sure you do what's needed to care for your emotional health and well-being. Also, watch your spending.
It's time for you to branch out and make some new friends, specifically as word is beginning to travel about you and your work. You could score new opportunities by word of mouth or based on your newfound popularity. With your confidence on the way up, flaunt what you've got. Make self-care priority.
Your star is on the rise this month where your career is concerned. You could score a promotion or some time in the spotlight based on your talent and expertise. On a separate note, a family or home-related matter could come to a head this month. Pay attention to your feelings. Friends are a resource.
It's time for you to put your explorer's hat on this month and look to ways that you can engage new experiences, philosophies, and maybe even a new country or two. Learning and adventure is your life's blood now. Career-wise, you can do big things this month. Break away from pessimistic thinking.
This month, you're pushed to venture into the depths to explore what you really want. In order to do so, you may have to face some uncomfortable truths or aspects of yourself. But you'll come out on the other side with a new outlook and feeling more empowered. Career-wise, level-up.
Partnership is what you can find yourself learning about and dealing with the most this month, romantically and professionally. Negotiations and agreements could go well as could meeting someone special. Coupled Scorpios may need to talk about money. Overall, be honest about what you need.
It's all about self-improvement and productivity this month, as the cosmos push you to get your affairs and your health in order. Look to ways that you can bring a better work-life balance to your everyday, while being proactive about handling your responsibilities. Teamwork makes the dream work.
Love is in the air for you this month, and it's possible that you could be swept off your feet when you least expect it. At the same time, your creative energy will be higher than it's been in a while, which might push you to take the spotlight with a creative project. Meanwhile, your boundaries may be tested.
You can expect home and family to take up most of your attention this month. The good news is, you're going to love puttering around the house and spending time with those you love. Looking to move or fix up the place? Now's the time. Professionally, you get the gold. Watch your health.
It's all about who you know this month, and as such, you might find that the world is a lot smaller than you thought. This means it's a good time for networking, hosting meetings, and connecting with people who can help you to get more eyes and ears on what you do. Love heats up too. Stay grounded and centered.