We’re constantly fascinated by what our zodiac sign says about our lives, whether it's which signs are most compatible or how each sign handles conflict in relationships. That's why Bustle has enlisted Mecca Woods, a New York City-based astrologer of MyLifeCreated.com, to tell us all about how astrology is affecting our lives each week. This week's topic: your weekend love horoscope for Nov. 18-19, 2017.
The biggest news for this weekend is the New Moon in Scorpio (6:42 a.m. ET) on Saturday morning. Since New Moons mark periods of beginnings and renewal and Scorpio is associated with intimacy and emotional honesty, we should look to this Moon to help us with starting fresh when it comes to our love lives. For those of us that are single, this Moon could be pivotal in helping us to get honest about our relationship needs while providing us with the healing we need to move past heartbreak and welcome new love. For those of us that are already attached, the New Moon in Scorpio could help us with deepening our bond with the one(s) we love, while for others, it may highlight what we've been missing. This Moon may be especially influential as it calls back some of the themes that took place around the August eclipses.
If a love connection has been stagnant or we feel as though someone has been trampling on our freedom, we might find ourselves looking elsewhere.
Continuing with the theme of emotional honesty, the Moon shifts into truth-seeking Sagittarius by late Saturday afternoon; putting the focus on positive growth when it comes to mating and relating. If a love connection has been stagnant or we feel as though someone has been trampling on our freedom, we might find ourselves looking elsewhere this weekend. By Sunday, things get a bit dicey as Mars in relationship-oriented Libra squares off with Pluto in Capricorn and the Sagittarius Moon squares off with dreamy Neptune in Pisces. People may not be all they seem this weekend and it may be hard to tell, which is why we may want to move slowly when it comes to getting to know someone new. For existing relationships, we may need to be wary of power struggles or avoiding what's in front of us when it comes to dealing with deeper issues within the relationship.
Read below to find out what this weekend's stars mean for your love life.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
There's no use in forcing what's not meant to be, Aries, especially if you have the opportunity to do better when it comes to love. But how will you be able to get what you want when it comes to intimacy, if you don't first believe that you deserve it? This is your homework for this weekend. Heal your heart.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
As if you weren't already on everyone's "must have" list, this weekend will be no different. As such, there's a possibility you could make a love connection worth keeping around. If already attached, you and your love could decide to take a big step with your relationship. Make sure you've thought it through.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
You may need to pull back from someone this weekend, especially if this person has been demanding more of you than they are willing to give back. Know that when it comes to love, it's not fair to you if you're the only one willing to do the emotional labor. Don't be afraid to exercise boundaries.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
If your love life has been found wanting, you could meet someone this weekend that changes that, especially while out and about having a good time. Still, as magnetic as you are right now, you may want to feel this person out before getting too cozy. For couples, communication will be key this weekend.
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
You and your sweetie are in nesting mode right now, which means you could be planning for an addition to the family or thinking about moving in together. If either is the case, make sure you've had time to effectively plan. If single, you may be on the fence about dating. That's OK. You need to heal first.
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
If love hasn't been exactly going your way, it could be that it's time for you to take a new approach or perspective when it comes to relationships. Not only is this weekend a good time for getting clarity on what you want, but it's also a good time for shedding outdated beliefs or thoughts that hold you back.
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
What do you want when it comes to love? It's time that you get serious about what you want and what you value when it comes to relationships, so you can stop settling for anything less. You often go through great lengths to make others happy, but what about your own happiness? Get what you deserve.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
New day, new you? When it comes to relationships, how do you achieve the kind of intimacy you need while also maintaining your own independence? This might be the question that needs answering this weekend. Hint: A little more self-love may be needed. A new look could bring you admirers.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
You may not feel outgoing enough this weekend to even entertain the idea of meeting someone new. That's a good thing, though, because there's some unfinished business you need to handle first, like letting go of an ex or a past disappointment in love. Concentrate on what you do want. Your love exists.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
You could make a love connection with a long-time friend this weekend, that may instinctively feel right. Though, before things get awkward, you may want to take a moment and think about whether this friendship could really be something more or if you're trying to force it to be. Intuition will be key.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
It's time to think about your long-term goals when it comes to love and romance, especially if you've been striking out as of late. If someone is wasting your time, this weekend could have you reclaiming it as you want the person on your team to have shared goals and be willing to put in the work needed.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
Love may be found by way of travel and adventure this weekend, so don't be shy about visiting somewhere you haven't before. Though, when it comes to meeting someone new, authenticity should be key. Meanwhile, if you're already attached, a weekend getaway for you and your bae could be special.