
A Tarot Reading For Navigating Your Love Life This Spring

Self-love has endless benefits.

Spring feels like an invitation to start fresh, which can be helpful energy if you’re deepening a relationship, striking off on your own, or sparking something new. This love tarot reading for spring 2024 applies regardless of your relationship status, whether you’re partnered or poly, single and seeking.

This season’s message? The more deeply you love yourself, the better your relationships with others become. Take what resonates and leave the rest.

What Is Tarot?

Tarot was originally a game created in Italy circa the 1500s inspired by earlier card decks around the world. The Romani people, an Indian diasporic ethnic group, were the first to use it for fortune telling and popularized it worldwide. Since Roma arrived in Europe around the 14th century, they have been met with persecution, and continue to use fortune telling as a survival trade to this day.

How I Read Tarot

Fortune telling is one of my family trades, passed down by my grandmother, and I see it as work, cultural preservation, and a spiritual practice. I’m the co-author of the forthcoming book Secrets of Romani Fortune Telling.

Below is a five-card spread exploring your love life this spring.

Your Love Tarot Reading For Spring

Energy: Nine of Cups

Here, the Nine of Cups symbolizes that your energy is primed for realizing your deepest wish when it comes to love. It’s time to admit what you truly want and dare to hope for it. Practice gratitude for the people around you. Tell people what you like and appreciate about your connection with them. Invite in the love you need, and express thanks when opportunities arise.

Situation: Three of Wands

You will benefit from prioritizing connections in which you feel both supported and inspired. If you’re in a relationship, what do you wish you could do or build? Pursue your dreams together. If you’re seeking a relationship, remember that friendship and respect are the foundations of a healthy love. You want to be excited to see each other grow and succeed, and support each other equally every step of the way.

Obstacle: Ten of Swords

The 10 of Swords reminds you that it’s hard to break ingrained, toxic patterns. If you believe you only attract the wrong people, or that you can’t communicate, or that you’re broken, or that you’re not strong enough to be alone — or any other limiting belief — I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. You really can break the cycle. Be open to a better way forward.

Action: Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups signifies that the way to overcome unhealthy patterns is to amp up the self-love. It’s not a switch you can just turn on, though. It’s about dedicated self-reflection and intentional actions. If love is a verb, then so is self-love. Put yourself first and you’ll develop a stronger understanding of your worth and needs. As a result, you’ll make better choices in romantic relationships.

Lesson: Three of Cups

The Three of Cups suggests that you are learning the importance of kindness and celebration in your relationships with yourself and others. Even though all healthy relationships require work and have their rough spots, they should be a generally joyful experience. Otherwise, something needs to shift. You deserve happiness. We all do.

Applying These Tarot Lessons To Your Love Life

To help you break painful cycles and make room for the kind of love you wish for, the cards suggest that you should deepen your practice of self-love.

Get out a journal and ask, how can I show myself love? You might consider going to therapy, establishing firm boundaries, pursuing sobriety, living alone, living together, taking up a hobby, changing your job, going back to school, taking a nap, speaking kindly to yourself... Let yourself free-associate. Record anything that comes to you, no matter how grand or small. Notice how all of your relationships strengthen as you deepen your love for yourself.

For inspiration, look to the artwork of Elijah Vardo, a Romani artist who celebrates his culture, especially powerful Romani women. His artwork exudes reverence and love. That is the kind of honor and care you deserve to have in all of your relationships, both with yourself and others.