
This Room Service Bot Is Too Precious For Words

by Maya Kachroo-Levine

Going on a dream vacation this summer? Maybe you'll stay at the hotel with a robot butler. A man recently filmed aforementioned robot butler gliding calmly through the hallways of his hotel after he ordered a snack from hotel room service. How would you feel if you were lounging in your fancy hotel room, you heard a knock at the door and when you opened the door were greeted by a robot, instead of a human? I think I'd be pleased — in the sense that I really like Wall-E and am always pleased to be one step closer to that world. Plus, entertainment and a snack? That's my kinda hotel.

The hotel robot butler works at an Aloft hotel. The video did not specific exactly which Aloft hotel, but we can make an educated guess based on some rather ~interesting~ information surfacing about this robot.

As it turns out the robot butler, Botlr, put out a press release explaining his journey. Apparently he is BFFs with hitchBOT the hitch hiking robot, who was traveling around the country before he got beaten up in Philadelphia last week. In a press release Botlr put out (via Aloft hotels), he said he was deeply saddened by the loss of hitchBOT. Botlr lives at the Aloft Cupertino (where perhaps whoever shot this video saw him). After Botlr takes a little more time to grieve the loss of hitchBOT, he'll be heading to Aloft Miami South Beach. So, if you have a trip to Miami coming up, keep an eye out for him.

Here's Botlr In Action

So well mannered.

The only practical way to approach this sad hitchBot situation is with the following Wall-E gif:

But Botlr's grief for hitchBOT seems slightly less mournful when I'm looking at this:

Getting back to dear sweet Botlr. Here's the full video of him delivering room service:

According to his press release, Botlr left a short message for our fallen hero, hitchBOT:

"I tip a 40 bit in your memory, Hitch.


(That means love in binary code, humans)

Artificially Yours,Botlr"

I know these aren't real people but that doesn't mean I'm not crying real tears right now. Hope you've all enjoyed this journey into a Wall-E-esque reality as much as I have.

Images: YouTube, Giphy(2)