If you were able to stop sobbing over Clay's eviction long enough to listen to Julie Chen on Thursday night, you might have heard her make an important announcement. Next Thursday, Big Brother 17 will hold a double eviction, so after the usual proceedings of a live episode, the houseguests will quckly play an entire week of the game in one night, voting a second houseguest out of the house during the hour. Next week also marks another important milestone: the beginning of jury house. Combined with the double eviction, everything could change next week on Big Brother and honestly, it's about time.
The Sixth Sense Alliance has been in power for far too long. But between having one of their own evicted this week and now a greater chance of losing another member next Thursday, their monopoly might finally be coming to an end. Even if they manage to keep the power by having one of their alliance members as HoH this week, the extra competitions next week could still go to anyone. Everyone outside of the Sixth Sense, especially Meg, James, and Jackie, have only grown more frustrated with Clay and Shelli's control over the game, and this week proved that they're not playing ball anymore. Given the chance, they'll start picking the Sixth Sense off one by one. A double eviction just means they're twice as likely to have that chance.
I'm more excited for next week than I have been for any other episode of Big Brother 17. The houseguests outside of the Sixth Sense have become the underdogs of the season, and I'm hoping this newly confirmed double eviction finally lets them have the upper hand. For more on this summer's game play, check out Bustle's BB17 podcast.
Image: Monty Brinton/CBS