
Let Missy Elliott Teach You About Life

by Caitlyn Callegari

As a kid, I always assumed I’d grow up to have a sage, omniscient mentor, who would teach me life’s greatest lessons and guide me through the most uncertain, tumultuous times of my life. Basically, I just watched too much Karate Kid. What I figured out, though, is that most of us end up having an advisor. Well, at least I didn't until I happened upon Missy Elliott’s Twitter account and her many inspirational tweets. If this whole rapping thing doesn’t end up working out for her, she’s got the life coach business in the bag.

I know what you’re thinking: Missy Elliott? What qualifies her to tell me how to live my best life? She’s just a simple, platinum album-selling, Grammy-winning recording artist. What does she know? Well, kids, she knows everything. She knows absolutely everything. If you’re having a bad day or experiencing self-doubt or are in a rut career wise, Elliott has the most zen, uplifting advice on how to remedy your situation. And, to top it off, she’s giving out these incredible life tips for free. All you need to do to gain your own personal Mr. Miyagi is to click the follow button on her account so that you can reap the benefits.

If you’re somehow unconvinced, here are 11 pieces of advice Missy Elliott has given on Twitter, that can literally turn your whole day around:

1. When She Urged Us Not To Follow The Crowd

Because we all have something to contribute.

2. When She Was An Encouraging Presence

Listen, if Missy Elliott thinks we can... we can.

3. When She Gave Out Unconditional Reassurance

Like a virtual hug.

4. When She Reminded Us That Bad Days Are Only Temporary

This. This is something everyone needs to hear more often.

5. When She Told Us To Ignore The Naysayers & Surround Ourselves With The Doers

Haven't we all come across this dilemma before? There's just something about hearing how to handle it from someone extremely successful that makes it considerably less terrifying to deal with.

6. When She Rooted For Women To Be Unapologetically Themselves

Girl power.

7. When She Told Us To Keep On Going

Because quitting is easy, but it's not fulfilling.

8. When She Was A Better Morning Motivator Than A Double Shot Of Espresso

I don't know about you, but now I'm ready to tackle the day. Maybe even the week. (OK, that's a bit ambitious...)

9. When She Made Us See The Haters In A Different Light

When she puts it that way, they seem a lot less influential and we seem a lot more powerful.

10. When She Insisted We Take The Focus Off Our Social Media Obsession

Don't lie. We've all gotten pissed at a friend for not liking a particularly cute Insta pic. But let's all acknowledge that that's CRAZY.

11. When She Stressed The Importance Of True Friends

Because Instagram likes don't matter when someone shows up at your door at 3 a.m. to listen to you cry about whatever crappy thing is going on in your life.

Guys, if Missy Elliott is on our side, what other motivation do we need?