There's pornography, and then there's smut for the smart — you know, the kind of (c)literate writing that can both turn you on and make you think with its inimitable wit and tone. Although a lot of sex positive theory can be dry and academic, there are plenty of sex-positive blogs that are the exact opposite, infusing informative personal essays, sex toy reviews, op-ed pieces, news and the like with just enough sleaze to make it go down easy.
As the editrix of a sex-positive blog (shameless plug!) I firmly believe that the world needs not just more sex positivity, but more sex-positive writing in its myriad forms. You can talk the talk all you want, but it's even better when you can broadcast it worldwide to the horny masses using the interwebs. Whether you're discussing the ins and outs of the female orgasm, dating, relationships, sex toys, the politics of sex work, slut-shaming, or STDs, there can never be enough sex-positive perspectives to lead our sad, repressed country to sexual enlightenment.
Here are five sex-positive blogs you should check out, because sharing is caring, and never more so than when it comes to matters of your part(s):
1. How To Make Me Come
This unique tumblr features contributions by women detailing their orgasmic exploits. The anonymous essays are both heartwarming and partwarming, giving voice to diverse perspectives on female sexuality and sexual pleasure.
2. F*ck Feast
Oakland-based sex-positive feminist Pilar Reyes runs this site, which alternates between engaging narratives of her sexploits, vintage porn, sex toy reviews, and incisive political commentary.
3. Hey Epiphora
The reigning queen of sex toy bloggers, Epiphora's encyclopedic site is filled with up-to-date reviews of adult equipment, as well as intimate stories of her masturbation sexperiments.
4. Life On The Swingset
Cooper S. Beckett is a vocal authority on ethical non-monogamy. His site, Life On The Swingset delves into all aspects of the lifestyle from a variety of different perspectives, and includes everything from advice, how to's, and personal essays to a very eye-opening podcast.
5. Feminista Jones
Feminista Jones is a sex-positive woman warrior, exploring the intersections between feminism, kink, race, class, and everything in between. She recently published a steamy erotic novel, Push The Button .
Want more of Bustle's Sex and Relationships coverage? Check out our latest video on sex positions for small penises.
Images: HconQ/Fotolia; Giphy (5)