Can you believe Big Brother 17 is down to the final six? Before you know it, one of the houseguests will be named the champion and will be taking home that $500,000. Where did the time go? I feel like this season flew by, but in a way, I'm ready for it to come to close. Have you ever noticed that with most shows you go through different stages while watching? It's true for most TV series I watch religiously. As for BB17, I've experienced seven stages of being a Big Brother fan.
If you don't understand what I'm saying, I have a feeling we'll be on the same page once you get to the end of this post. Big Brother can surely make viewers feel all kinds of emotions. Usually, fans start out all excited and nervous, but towards the end, those feelings transition into the point that they can't wait for the season to finish — whether that's because they can't wait to see who wins or because they just can't stand certain houseguests anymore.
With that said, here are seven stages I (and I'm sure many other fans) have gone through while watching Season 17.
1. Anticipation
Every year before a brand new season of Big Brother begins, fans can't stand the anticipation. The first episode is so close, but still so far away. Basically, it's a great feeling, but still puts viewers on the edge of their seats waiting for that first episode to air.
2. Excitement
Who doesn't get excited when the cast is announced? Fans use that excitement to their advantage by dropping everything to learn all they can about the new houseguests. Anyone else immediately start rooting for Johnny Mac? Just me? Maybe it's because we're from the same state...
3. Obsession
With the start of a new season you become so obsessed that you live and breathe everything Big Brother. You probably even pay to watch the live feeds, or at least follow along with live tweeters with access. Yep, that's me. I can't wait to learn who won Head of Household, who got nominated, who won the Power of Veto, and the results of the Veto ceremony before a new episode even airs. Yeah, I follow along via Twitter. Sorry not sorry, but I have to know if Johnny Mac is safe or not.
4. Nervousness
After the obsession sinks in and you pick your favorite houseguest to root for, the nervousness happens. Anytime Season 17 had a comp, I couldn't breathe until I knew the results. For example, that comp when James first won HoH? Yeah, I was a nervous wreck.
5. Irritation
This was me during Season 17's second double eviction. Not only did James and Meg end up going to the jury house (ugh), but the Austwins ruled the double eviction and I was beyond irritated. Why? Oh, maybe because Steve and Johnny Mac made the terrible decision of keeping Julia over Meg. Yeah, probably the dumbest move of the entire season.
6. Dread
I don't think I'm here quite yet, but there's no doubt my irritation will quickly turn into dread. You get to the point where you're so over the lies and deciet and the fear that your fave will be evicted that you just want to know who will win already.
7. Relief
This is exactly what I'll start feeling once they crown the Big Brother 17 winner. This relief feels even better if your player wins. (Come on Johnny Mac!) If they don't, it's definitely a bummer, especially since you watched the entire season. However, it's still wonderful to know another season is right around the corner.
As tiring as these seven stages can be, there's no way Season 17 will t keep me away from Season 18.
Want more Big Brother? Listen to Bustle's Big Brother podcast, The Diary Room, below. And, of course, expect the unexpected...
Images: Screengrab/CBS