We Finally Know What The Taco Emoji Looks Like!

I know I'm not alone in saying that yesterday's Apple event was pretty exciting stuff. But just when I thought it couldn't get any better than a rose gold iPhone, an even bigger bomb dropped: Owen Williams at The Next Web discovered tons of new emoji that will be released with iOS 9.1. The most exciting finds: The taco, the burrito, the middle finger, and — wait for it — the unicorn emoji will finally be ours. Never before had I thought I needed to express myself with a pixelated unicorn, but now I know that I definitely do.
Yesterday's big announcement included a release date for iOS 9: Sept. 16. It has some nifty new features, like iCloud Drive, improved Siri, and multitasking for iPads. There's no release date for iOS 9.1 yet, but what we do know is that it will feature the already-legendary emoji update we've been waiting for ever since the Unicode Consortium announced Unicode 8.0. We also know what a lot of them will look like now, thanks to Owen Williams.
Williams discovered the much-awaited emoji while beta testing upcoming Apple software. The software in question was released only to developers yesterday — but fortunately for us, Williams had his head in the right place when he decided to check out the emoji situation, making sure to document the results of his exploration. And I have even better news, too: The public beta of iOS 9.1 was released today, and can be downloaded from the Apple Beta Program website. So even if you're not a burgeoning app developer, you can still poke around and see the digital burrito for yourself.
Here's a look at some of what Williams found:
Tacos! Burritos! So many of the food items we've been clamoring for for so long! Who knows why the emoji gods chose to bless us this year. Perhaps that Taco Bell petition actually worked? If anything, though, this emoji update will certainly make installing iOS 9.1 worth it — whenever it's finally available.
Perhaps history can give us some insight as to when we can expect the official version of iOS 9.1 to drop. iOS 8.0 was released on Sept. 17, 2014, while iOS 8.1 was released on Oct. 20 — a mere 33 days later. If history repeats itself, we can probably expect a lot of turkey emoji-filled Thanksgiving texts. Get those texting thumbs ready!
Images: Courtesy of Owen Williams/The Next Web