
How To Distinguish Between Good & Bad Advice

by Brianna Wiest

There's a lot of advice out there. In fact, most of the capitalist Internet essentially runs on offering advice to people. (What you consume is dictated by the media outlets, whose job it is to basically relate to you or inspire you or shock you. That's all.) Though that paints a rather grim picture, the truth is that this fact isn't necessarily mutually exclusive with truly well-intentioned people trying to spread a message and help people live better lives. In fact, I'd argue that's the most beautiful thing about the world wide web: we can share and exchange ideas and thoughts and information faster than ever before, so we can grow faster than ever before, and together.

Your job isn't to figure out who is or isn't well-intentioned in what they offer as advice. Your job isn't to tear apart people who offer something you don't want to hear. Your job is only to cherry pick what works for you, and respect that what doesn't may very well work for someone else (and that's equally as valuable.) But how do you know when you should honestly take a piece of advice? There's so much out there, so much that seems right, that could work, that maybe applies (but maybe doesn't.) When you're being constantly inundated with messages on How To Live Your Life, it's important that you're able to navigate what you really do want honestly. Here, the three things you should ask yourself before you take a piece of advice:

Who Would Acting On This Advice Benefit?

Would it make your life better or would it serve someone else's desire? It's terrible to be overly cynical, but you have to be when it comes to people trying to direct your life and wellbeing. Honestly evaluate whether or not someone is trying to give you a word of helpful advice or manipulate you into doing what they want under the guise of helping yourself.

Does It Infuriate You?

I mean, does it make you really, really mad? If the answer is yes, chances are, there's some truth to it. This isn't to say you should act on what makes you mad, or that being mad = good, but that anger does = recognition. The more you resist something, the more you are simultaneously regarding it as valid. Take note of what angers you most, it offers more insight than you probably realize.

Is It What You'd Tell Your Son Or Daughter To Do?

When it comes to the moments in which we most need to be given advice, the reality is that we have to revert (or rather, convert) to being our own parents. You have to learn to mother yourself. You have to give yourself the advice you'd give your own child. You'll know it's something in your best interest if you do.

Images: Unsplash; Giphy(2)