Do you hear that? That's the sound of millions of avid TV watchers gearing up to watch the 2015 Primetime Emmy Awards. (I can practically smell the butter from everyone's microwave popcorn bags from here.) Yes, my friends, the final countdown to television's biggest night of the year is officially underway and I, for one, could not be more excited to see how things shake out for my favorite shows and stars on the winner's scale. But regardless of who ends up going home with the iconic statuette, if past years have taught us anything, this live ceremony is guaranteed to be a night we won't soon forget. However, I'm well aware that not everyone will be able to tune in via TV right when the clock strikes Emmy o'clock, which is why it's just as important to know how to stream the 2015 Emmys online, so you don't miss out on all the fun.
With the help of the internet, those who don't own or have access to a TV (mind-boggling, I know) can still be part of the ceremony through various means of live online streaming. You just have to know where to look. That's where I come in! So when Sunday evening approaches, here's how you can still capture all the excitement thanks to the power of WiFi and LTE.
Go Straight To The Source
If you're interested in getting a behind-the-scenes look at what goes on at the Emmys, then I suggest heading over to Emmys.com and streaming Backstage Live! Not only will you be able to see the presenters mingle backstage, but this will also give you exclusive access to the Chase Sapphire Preferred "Blue Room" and emmy Magazine Photo Lounge. You'll feel as though you're actually part of the show.
What Does The FOX Say?
Even if your busy schedule doesn't allow you to catch an Emmy stream live, you can still head over to the FOX site the following morning and watch clips of the night's biggest highlights. That way you won't have missed out on key moments and will have plenty to talk about with your co-workers come lunchtime.
When In Doubt, App It Out
For those of you who have a Time Warner cable subscription, but no access to an actual television, just download the TWC app on your phone or iPad, select the proper channel (FOX), and let the streaming begin! Pretty simple, right?
Take To Twitter
If worst comes to worst, you could always just follow with the Emmys hashtag on Twitter and see what kind of antics ensue. You'll have coverage than you'll know what to do with. And while it's nowhere near as good as seeing it all play out firsthand, it's certainly better than nothing at all.
Good luck and may the WiFi be with you!
Images: FOX; Giphy (4)