
11 GOP Memes Every Liberal Will Enjoy

by Meghan DeMaria

Politicians from both sides of the aisle say and do ridiculous things all the time — and in the Internet age, no one gets away with it. Mitt Romney's "binders full of women" comment launched countless parody Tumblr accounts, and that's just one example of how so many GOP memes that liberals enjoy were born. The Internet never forgets — for further proof, let's remember how Carly Fiorina's "demon sheep" ad from her 2010 Senate campaign still lives in infamy.

Of course, it's not just Republicans who have memes and mockery following them around online. An endeavoring anti-Hillary Clinton meme, created by conservative group American Crossroads, has taken on the slogan "Not ready for Hillary," a play on Clinton's campaign slogan. The account attempts to propagate anti-Clinton "facts," which, although some of them may technically be true, are entirely misleading. (One example? The ad claims that Clinton "took money from foreign governments trying to buy influence," but the money in question went to the Clinton Foundation, not to Clinton herself.) Still, there are definitely jokes to be had no matter what political party you align yourself with. In this case, here are some of the funniest, so-bad-they're-good GOP memes.

On Government Spending And Finances

Being fiscally conservative is great — as long as you're not the one in need.

On Priorities

Foreign war? Great! Just don't mention America's own issues.

On Forgetting Your Background

Until you need it as leveraging power, anyway.

On Antonin Scalia

An always relevant and not at all out-of-touch justice.

On Donald Trump's Hair

We can only imagine the amount of time and preparation that goes into his signature look.

On Climate Change

Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse didn't wait for the Internet to create memes about the GOP's lack of action on climate change. Instead, he used Shruggie in an actual Senate floor chart.

And Finally, Here's A Bonus Meme Mocking Self-Aggrandizing Republicans: