Stream 'Empire' Season 2 So You're Never Spoiled

When the second season of Empire premieres, a ton of preexisting fans will tune in, thrilled to catch up with the Lyon family and what they've been doing since the Season 1 finale. It's one of the few shows that drives itself on an engine of quickly developing plot that can easily be spoiled by missing a single episode, and you definitely don't want that to happen, because Empire is really, really entertaining when you have no idea what's coming. Luckily, there are plenty of places to stream Empire Season 2 if you can't catch it on TV, which means that you have no excuse to miss it or complain about spoilers.
The second season of the show will open with some big differences from Season 1. Instead of being at the top of his business, Lucious is in jail and no longer the main protagonist. With Jamal now in control of Empire Entertainment, he'll be the target of the other characters, and you do not want to get in Cookie's way, because she will always figure out how to get what she wants. Basically, the power structures of the family will be totally changed when Empire returns on Wednesday night at 9 p.m., and missing just a moment from a single episode could ruin your enjoyment of the whole season. To avoid such a tragedy, find out how you can watch Season 2 online, but first, refresh your memory of Season 1 with this drunk recap video.
Since Hulu has the exclusive streaming rights to Empire , it's the best place to find new episodes the day after they air. And you get the added bonus of watching all of Season 1 whenever you want.
Again, not a live streaming service, but FOX's Now app will have episodes available after they air, and you can stream them on either your computer or another device like an Apple TV, so you can still watch Empire on your television.
For Comcast subscribers, the ability to stream television live, including Empire, comes on the Xfinity TV app.
Watch TWC
And for Time Warner Cable subscribers, you can stream live to any of your devices.
Dish Anywhere
For those who have Dish instead of cable, there's also a streaming app for you — Dish Anywhere lets you stream to any device, anywhere, so you can watch Empire no matter where you are.
While the rest of these are free bonuses to subscribing to a cable or streaming service, you can purchase episodes to own forever through iTunes. Just want one episode? You can buy it for $2.99. Don't have any interest in getting a cable subscription just to watch Empire? For $44.99, you can buy a season pass and find the latest episode in your iTunes account every week.
With so many ways to watch, it should be easy for you to keep up with the Lyons once Empire Season 2 premieres.
Images: Chuck Hodes/FOX; Giphy (6)