9 GIFs You Should Recreate In Your FB Profile Pic

While your friends were all busy worrying about Mark Zuckerberg stealing their private information this week, the real news out of Facebook is all about Facebook turning profile pictures into videos. And just in case you lacked the inspiration to come up with video ideas for yourself, here are some GIFs you can recreate for your Facebook profile picture. That's right! While you won't be able to upload GIFs directly as your profile picture, that doesn't mean you should miss this golden opportunity to #bless the internet with amateur recreations of your own.
When I first heard about this, my brain started bringing me back to the good old days of AOL Instant Messenger. Remember that? Your away message had to express either a funny quote by one of your besties, or a lyrics from your favorite angsty My Chemical Romance songs. The best part of AIM was always your icon. It was self expression to the max. The original GIFs were your icons that would loop tiny images in the corner of the messenger window. It was just a matter of time before Facebook’s Millennial-savvy staff brought this concept back.
I don’t want to get ahead of myself....but I totally will. In my mind the next step will be newspapers and books with moving images. What about photo albums that are just a collection of GIFs of you and your family on vacation? My Harry Potter fangirl insides cannot begin to comprehend that this might be what our future is like. Until I see everyone on the subway holding a Daily Profit-like New York Times I will not rest. But while I wait, here are some ideas of GIFs you and your friends can recreate with your phones once Facebook's new function rolls out:
1. The Neo
What better way to start of an internet revolution than with the original cyberpunk? This would require you to do minimal amount of work, yet the result will get you many fans. Myself included.
2. The Nicki
This option is all about attitude. Do you want people to know how you handle being a powerful woman in a harsh world? Then get up on a bar and hold up a stack of cash. You are the HBIC.
3. The Frienlationship
I am sticking with the claim that I coined this term. So grab a friend and start doing some weird moves. No better way to show off a friendship than with a moving image!
4. The Foodie
It's nice if you want to show off your friends. Personally, I like to show off my food. Take that Instagram food game to the next level and show off what you've cooked! If you want to actually recreate yourself eating a burrito in one bite I will personally help you film it.
5. The Silly Parcell
Life is too short to be serious. Do something goofy and show off your personality. I would start a conversation with someone who had the above GIF as their profile picture in a heartbeat.
6. The Angie
Doing something cool and then messing up is my legal middle name. Why not make it your profile picture?
7. The Bro-Job
I'm giving this coining a phrase thing another shot. Here I go! Bro-job /noun/: being so close with your bros that it's your job. Also it kind of sounds like the slang term for ... well, you know. Anyway, you and your bros already look dope standing on a beach without shirts, why not add some movement? Just saying...
8. The Coffee Lover
It's a little European, a little sophisticated and it's the truth. You love that cup of joe as much as your unborn child. It's time the world knew just how much.
9. The Pet
I promised myself that I would adopt a dog as a gift for my next birthday. You can bet I'll be making that tiny puppy my GIF profile picture every day for the rest of my life. I already love checking out other peoples pet photos, I would love nothing more than to see them in action.
Check out all the lowdown on the Facebook profile videos below:
Images: Giphy (9); VIMEO