13 Books From Middle School That'll Bring You Back

The only thing I (let myself) remember from middle school are all the awesome books I read. Since I spent so many hours choosing things to read at the library, or holed up somewhere in my house with my newest purchase from Borders (it still existed back then), book characters were some of my best friends. In fact, sometimes I confuse memories of stories I once read with actual events that happened. Did I move out west with my family in a covered wagon? Or did I just read that somewhere? We will never know.
Anyway, if that sounds familiar, you probably had some great book-friends as well, but then time passed, and you lost contact with those middle school companions. They’re still sitting on your bookshelf, gathering dust, only moved when you shuffle them around to make room for new book purchases. Don’t your trusty confidantes deserve more? Perhaps they even deserve… a reread? Maybe you’re not too hasty to remember the awesome times that happened in middle school (what? Middle school wasn’t the greatest time ever, you say?), but chances are there are some series which will remind you of the good times.
So, go to the very bottom of your bookshelf, dust off those colorful paperbacks, and bring on the middle school memories!
The Magic Attic Club
This series was my go to on a rainy day: a group of friends finds a magical trunk in their neighbor's attic, filled with outfits that transport them into different worlds. Magical clothes that bring you into enchanted stories? That's the ultimate dream for every middle schooler. Also, there were unicorns.
Bridge To Terabithia
Talk about a tear-jerker. This classic tells the story of best friends Jesse and Leslie, and how much of an impact a person can have on your life. Also, it highlights the importance of imagination. So many good themes! So many middle school tears shed!
A Series Of Unfortunate Events
For the middle schoolers whose taste in literature was a bit more gothic, there was A Series of Unfortunate Events . This 13-book series was awesome when you first read it, and it's even more hilarious and witty when you go back and read it again — and besides, you might as well reread before the Netflix series airs.
Artemis Fowl
Fairies! Criminals! Teenagers! Oh my! The Artemis Fowl series put a great twist on fantasy, and apparently this series is going to be adapted into a film directed by Kenneth Branagh, so, time to reread!
The Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson finds out that he's actually a demigod, and his father is the Greek god Poseidon. Cue his move to Camp Half-Blood, where he meets a bunch of new friends and has to go on a bunch of quests. It was awesome when you read it in sixth grade, and it's just as awesome now. And maybe the movie wasn't faithful to the book, but at least Logan Lerman was a spot-on Percy.
The Westing Game
Who murdered Sam Westing? Whoever solves the mystery will inherit his fortune in this whodunit. This book is a middle schooler's introduction to thrillers and mystery, and it doesn't disappoint upon reread.
Author Christopher Paolini wrote this book at age 15, when he was practically still in middle school, and self-published it. After promoting the first book in this series about dragons, it caught on. Big time. Rereading it will bring back your Pre-Khaleesi-obsession era.
The Tale Of Desperaux
As a fan of fairy tales, I was head over heels for this book in middle school. It spins a story which weaves together the tale a mouse named Desperaux, a rat named Roscuro, and a servant girl named Miggery Sow. It was beautiful when you read it back in the day, and it will make you believe in fairy tales all over again now.
The Two Princesses Of Bamarre
Speaking of fairy tales... Gail Carson Levine was the undisputed queen of the fairy tale retellings you read in middle school. Remember Ella Enchanted? That book was the BEST. The Two Princesses of Bamarre is another awesome Levine tale, and it's still as enchanting now as it was when you first read it.
Millicent Min, Girl Genius
This book was my absolute favorite in middle school. 11-year-old Millicent Min is a genius and is already in high school, but she doesn't have any friends. Until she meets Emily Ebers. This book is sweet, hilarious, and always makes me smile no matter how many times I read it.
The Clique
Admit it: you were obsessed with this series in middle school. It's basically Gossip Girl for sixth-graders, and you were always wondering whether you were a Massie, an Alicia, a Dylan, a Kristen, or a Claire. If you really want to remember middle school... this is the series to take you back.
Little House On The Prairie
If you never pretended you were going west in a covered wagon like Laura Ingalls... what did you even do for fun as a kid?? This series was a classic that your mom probably read, too, and it's a sweet story to take you back to simpler times.
Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
If you really want to remember what middle school is like... this series will definitely remind you.
Image: swtdreamz03/Instagram