Juliette and Avery keep playing with my heart, y’all. Juliette’s been gone for five weeks on Nashville, promoting her movie and new album, keeping away from Avery and daughter Cadence in the process, and even though I know she's going through something very difficult, I just want her to be with her family! She’s partying so hard on the road that even Jeff Fordham wants Avery to step in and help her. That should've gotten Avery's attention, because it's really saying something if greedy, soul-sucking monster Jeff Fordham wants you to reunite with your wife, isn’t it?
Juliette and Avery do share a very nice moment together, with some cuddling baby Cadence and smooching and “I love you's," but it was all very short-lived. Jeff wanted Avery and Juliette to take some red carpet photos at Juliette’s launch party to prove that they were still in a relationship, and the family was good to take those, but as soon as Juliette, Avery, and Cadence got inside, Juliette got jittery. Cadence cried during most of her performance (I probably would have, too, considering those stupid ear protectors looked like they were squishing her head), and Juliette was totally thrown off. When Juliette had trouble changing Cadence’s diaper, I knew it was the beginning of the end (again) for her and Avery.
After the party, Avery arrived at their house to find a ringing phone and no Juliette. She’d already been scooped up, drunk, by Jeff Fordham, and flown to her next tour destination. Jeff also got her a new phone so that Avery couldn’t call her anymore.
Juliette, why do you do this to us viewers and your family? To quote Avery, “stop talking about what you don’t deserve and realize that you already have it.” Juliette’s own troubled upbringing is severely screwing with her head. She never received help for her postpartum depression and instead, she’s self-medicating and abandoning the people who love her the most. The next episode shows Avery asking for a divorce, and while I understand where he's coming from, I just hope that Juliette can still get the help and support she so desperately needs.
Images: Mark Levine/ABC; Giphy