We'll See 'The Flash' & 'Arrow' Crossover Again
There are lots of burning questions about The Flash Season 2 right now, and all of them will be answered in due time. But one of the most important concerns is something I just can't wait to find out: Will The Flash and Arrow crossover again, like the two series have done in the past? The answer better be yes and luckily, if we're trusting Instagram for answers to this question, then a yes it is. But let's not get too excited just yet.
The Flash and Arrow have been intertwined from the very beginning. Barry Allen was first introduced in an episode of Arrow before he got his own show. Felicity Smoak has made many appearances in Central City, and for a while many fans were even 'shipping Felicity and Barry (and hey, maybe some of us still are, OK?). The season finale of each show had the other show up in the nick of time to save the day. For The Flash, Oliver swooped in to help take down the Reverse-Flash; over on Arrow, Barry ran to Nanda Parbat to rescue the gang from suffocating.
They were simply quick little cameos, unlike the big crossover episodes that happened during the middle of the season, which is the kind that I'm talking about as we prepare for The Flash Season 2 and Arrow Season 4. Now, if we take a peak at both Grant Gustin and Stephen Amell's Instagram accounts, it looks like Barry and Oliver will meet up again, and don't they look dashing!
Gustin's picture shows the two guys hanging out, and gives it a vague caption, just "this morning" with Amell. Oh, what were they doing on this morning, do you think? Also, as much as I love those suits, they're making me very nervous as to why these guys are together in the first place. Amell posted the same picture to his Instagram, but with a more descriptive caption, seeming to confirm that they were filming something.
"Game changing scenes." Considering the fact that both appear to be dressed in black suits, and are standing outside, this might not go over well. Could they be attending a funeral? It's hard not to think that. So quick, who do these guys both have in common, besides EVERYONE?
Don't worry, there is more concrete evidence that these pictures aren't just teases, but a taste of what we'll see this season. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explained at Comic-Con this past year that a crossover is most certainly in the works, and this picture of Amell and Gustin might be from that. According to Kreisberg, the crossover will once again happen in Episode 8, like it did this past year for both shows, and he further explained, "It’s a 2-part crossover, which starts on Flash and ends on Arrow, and that’s sort of the big crossover event."
I like the sound of this "big crossover event," just maybe not the reason it's brought the two guys together. Please, don't let there be a funeral on The Flash or Arrow. Please.
Image: Cate Cameron/CW