According to new research, “weed dick,” as in a penis that’s been altered thanks to smoking too much weed, is a real thing, and not a good thing either. In fact, similar to “whiskey dick,” weed dick can really put a damper on a man’s ability to sexually function at top notch, and when that happens, we all lose. As more and more states decide to make marijuana legal, this is important stuff we need to know about. It's one thing to be concerned with how weed affects the brain, but we can't forget about the parts of our bodies that we really love to use.
Studies regarding the effects weed has on the body are, of course, nothing new. Earlier this year women who love to toke and toke a lot were faced with the possibility of “cotton vagina.” Cotton vagina, just like cotton mouth that comes from smoking weed, had women who smoke freaking the eff out and arguing as to whether or not it was true. While cotton vagina has since been debunked, at least by OB-GYN Tami Rowen who pointed out that salivation and vaginal lube aren’t related biologically, and anyone who thinks otherwise is stoned, weed dick has yet to have its moment where a professional has stepped in and said, “Hold up. Weed dick isn’t legit.”
Since that’s the case and science is suggesting, at least at the moment, that weed dick could possibly ruin your sex life, that’s what I’m sticking to for evidence. So along with that, here are a few more ways weed affects your sex life.
1. It Makes The Stoned Person Think They’re Amazing In Bed
The problem with any drug, and I’m putting alcohol in this category too, as it’s also a drug, is that it alters your mind. I mean, why else would we smoke, snort, and drink these things if they didn’t warp our reality? With that being the case, according to sex researcher Justin Lehmiller, people who report extra stamina after smoking weed aren't really seeing things clearly. What they are experiencing, because weed messes with your perception of time, is the delusion that they’re lasting far longer than they are.
Basically, you can be getting it on with your stoned partner, they come in two minutes, then roll over all proud of themselves for lasting what they think was an hour, while you’re like WTF.
2. It Can Mess With Penis Function
Just like whiskey dick, weed dick suffers from erectile issues. According to Lehmiller’s research, guys who smoke weed every day are three times more likely to have erectile issues than those men who do not smoke that much. Which obviously means that even if you don't have a penis, but you have sex with someone who does, then it's your problem, too.
3. It Can Increase Your Libido
Although research on this one can go either way depending on where you look, the point is that smoking weed, like drinking, makes you less inhibited and more likely to realize you want to have sex.
A 2003 study found that one-quarter of adults reported that weed increased their their libido “often” or “always,” while 40 percent reported that it only increased their libido “sometimes.” However, several studies done in the 1980s found that, for the majority of those who smoked weed, greater satisfaction and increased libidos were in the cards.
4. It Can Make You Feel More Connected To Your Partner
According to those who have sex while stoned, weed increases the emotional bond during sex. Some claim weed makes for more spiritual sexual encounters that “transcend each partner into his or her own personal space,” because apparently, in addition to an orgasm that’s definitely what you’re aiming for, right?
5. It Could Lead To Better And More Orgasms
Again, the research on this one is a bit iffy and falls into the category how weed makes us less inhibited. Although not enough research has been done on this, there are reports that smoking weed can heighten your ability to feel and appreciate touch, which, in turn can lead to more orgasms or even the ability to orgasm more easily.
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