
Kanye West Gets His Own Currency

If you have ever in your life found yourself sitting around and wishing there was some sort of Internet invention that could combine your love of digital currency and Kanye West, good news: It is 2014, and that is finally a reality. According to Time, a new e-company looking to capitalize off the success of the digital currency Bitcoin has created their own digital currency called Coinye West, which basically just has Kanye West's face on them. Fair enough, right?

"Our goal with Coinye West is to make it easier for people to use cryptocurrency," the creators told Vice in an interview. "Right now, it's kind of a dark art for people to mine coins. We plan on releasing a front end to the "mining" programs called CoinyeMiner. It will make things a lot more simple and people will be able to make their own coins. We're working round-the-clock to get everything going as smoothly as possible."

It's worth pointing out that West is not actually affiliated with Coinye West at the moment, but the creators are hopeful that he could be in the future. "We'd love if Kanye named dropped Coinye. I think he's gonna love that there’s a CURRENCY named in his honor. We don't want to pay him off to name check us, but it'd be sick if he does so. In fact, we're making an open invitation to Kanye: Get hold of us at coinyewest.com and we'll send you 100,000 COINYE on launch. A hundred thousand."


If you're actually interested in this, Coinye West will debut on Jan. 11. Here is its official Twitter, with its 305 followers.