5SOS' "Hey Everybody!" Video Is The Best Daydream

Fans have anxiously been awaiting 5 Seconds of Summer's "Hey Everybody!" music video and it's finally here! Fitting in with the upcoming album's theme of disillusionment, "Hey Everybody!" kicks off with the band working tough 9-5 jobs, but dreaming of a more extravagant lifestyle. Let me tell you, their daydreams are kind of the best.
While the "normal" versions of 5SOS are adorable (hell-o, Corporate Luke Hemmings), their "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" fantasy is all about showing their sense of humor. Spoiler: It includes Segways, plastic wrap, and lots and lots of money. But when you have a job where you dress as a dinosaur and get attacked by kids (rough life, Ashton Irwin, I get it), you kind of have to dream big.
The video shows two ends of the spectrum: What it's like when things get really, really tough and what it's like when they're kind of amazing. It's a not-so-subtle reminder that 5 Seconds of Summer is really in tune with their fans. They understand what we're going through, and they're using their music to help us get by. Besides, in what other world will you see Calum Hood surrounded by cute puppies?
You can re-live "Hey Everybody!" again and again with the videos 11 most memorable moments.
1. Calum Hood, Dog Walker
It's cuteness overload.
2. The Look Of Fear In Irwin's Eyes
We've all been there.
3. Michael Clifford's Hot Dog Costume
Possibly the worst job of all of them.
4. Luke Hemmings' Office Job
I'm stressed out just looking at that.
5. Luke Hemmings' Paycheck
Okay, this stresses me out too.
6. When They Casually Throw Money Around
Now we're talkin'.
7. This Painting Of Hood
I can't stop laughing over the ruff.
8. This Epic Slip 'N' Slide
How can I get one of these?
9. These Segway Stunts
Segways + bathrobes = lifestyle of the rich and famous.
10. This Awesome Hedge Maze Game
Only 5SOS would turn their hedge maze into a video game.
11. This Luke Hemmings Wink
This gives me hope, guys.
You can check out the awesomely over-the-top "Hey Everybody!" video above.
Images: Capital Records (screenshot); Capital Records (11)