9 Hacks For Easy Halloween Makeup

If the thought of applying your own makeup for Halloween is scary to you, I know exactly how you feel. But, never fear! There are plenty of Halloween makeup hacks for easy application that will help all of my fellow non-makeup artists out there. I thought applying regular makeup was difficult enough, but this holiday takes it to a whole new level. These tips and tricks will help you achieve your look, and while it may be a little difficult, you don’t have to be an expert to get that perfect zombie makeup you were going for.
These helpful hacks will save you time, money, and, in some cases, both. So, there’s really no reason not to give these a try. From DIYing your own blood to using fishnet tights to achieve the perfect mermaid makeup, there are a wide variety of things you can do to make this whole Halloween costume thing a lot easier.
Whether you’re planning on giving yourself fake lacerations or just want to know how to apply false eyelashes without making a mess, there’s a little something here for every level of costume. Besides, that whole eyelash thing is helpful whether it’s October 31st or not. I’m telling you, you can really learn a thing or two from these makeup hacks.
1. Make Your Own Fake Blood
As easy as using corn syrup and some food dye, you can get a bloody look that you can make right at home.
2. DIY Temporary Tattoos
Using panty hose and a permanent marker, you can make your own hand-drawn tattoos.
3. Realistic Freckles
An eyebrow pencil is really all you need to get some freckles that look real to complete your costume.
4. Fake Lacerations
With a non-toxic glue stick, faking a wound is easy.
5. Easy Zombie Makeup
Combine those fake blood and laceration skills for this easy zombie makeup.
6. Opt For Stickers Instead
Stickers are around the same price as masks, and way more simple than trying to apply your own makeup if you're looking for a major shortcut.
7. Easy Fish Scales
Fishnet tights and shimmering eye shadow is all you need to look just like a mermaid.
8. False Lashes Hack
Bobby pins can help you evenly apply glue to lashes.
9. Make Your Own Lip Color
Use your eye shadow and some petroleum jelly to make your own hue for your lips.
Halloween just got easier, eh?