
Heidi Klum As Jessica Rabbit Is A Masterpiece

by Caitlyn Callegari

There are people who like to dress up for Halloween, and then there is Heidi Klum. The model doesn't simply hop in her car and go to the costume warehouse store to peruse the choices a few days before the holiday like a lazy person like myself. No, she takes Oct. 31 seriously, and Klum's Jessica Rabbit Halloween costume had her effectively laughing the lot of us who claim to love the holiday just as much right out of town.

Now, if you haven't seen the getup, you might think that I'm being a bit over-the-top in my assertions. A Jessica Rabbit costume has most certainly been done many, many times before. But I can say with full confidence that the costume has probably never been done like this. Like, ever. Not only did Klum and her team of behind-the-scenes make-up experts (AKA wizards wielding some sort of dark powers) somehow capture the essence of a real life cartoon, the star also was completely and utterly unrecognizable. And, as with any good costume, Klum took on the sultry persona, posing like the absolute legendary model she is with a bit more exaggerated pizzazz than usual. After all, if you're going to go all the way looks-wise, it'd be a disservice to the costume if you didn't exude Jessica Rabbit's charisma as well.

Klum did hint at the costume last week, to up our anticipation, but I'm not sure anyone saw this coming. Her iteration of Jessica Rabbit is so beyond any Halloween costume I've ever seen, and that's including Colton Haynes' unforgettable transformation into Ursula. Which, before seeing Klum's get up, was my favorite celebrity costume to date. Anyway, enough talking about it. I'd rather show you. The only thing missing here is a chance to see your jaw dropping reactions.

You can check out Klum's costume, from start to finish, below:


Fresh faced and anticipatory.

Step One

It's all happening!

Step Two

That looks all sorts of uncomfortable.

Step Three


Step Four

All about those lips.

Step Five

Anyone else getting Mrs. Doubtfire makeover vibes?

Step Six

Makeup time!

Step Seven

Rear view.


Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Here are a few different angles (and poses) for good measure:

Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Nicholas Hunt/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images
Mike Coppola/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Can this costume ever be topped? I guess that remains to be seen. You've set quite a precedent, Klum.