Frumpkis Is Finally Showing His Face On 'GG2D'
Alanna Ubach's Girlfriends’ Guide To Divorce character Jo has an ex-husband, Rob Frumpkis, who screws her over so royally that there is a first season episode entitled, “Rule #32: F-you, Rob Frumpkis!” The show’s second season premieres Tuesday on Bravo and the new season promises an appearance by the infamous ex, finally giving a face to Frumpkis courtesy of actor Maury Sterling.
Sterling, best known for his work on Homeland, is not arriving alone. Frumpkis is bringing his second wife Charlene, played by Broadway star and Smash alum Megan Hilty, with him to Los Angeles to visit his daughter. The appearance is much anticipated for fans who know that Frumpkis’ second wife is actually part of his second family in Louisville, Kentucky. But, I'm guessing Hilty’s character isn't going to be on board with playing second fiddle.
With so much hype surrounding the character’s amusing name, it may be a comfort to know that the name belongs to a real person off-screen. Girlfriends' Guide producer Marti Noxon explained in a video on Bravo’s website that Rob Frumpkis is not a made-up name. Apparently, when one of the show’s producers won a major award, someone asked her what she was feeling. Her honest answer? “F-you, Rob Frumpkis.” Noxon jokingly explained that Frumpkis was a guy who had dumped the producer in eighth grade. The name was fun, memorable, and cleared legally, so it became an inside joke on set, and for fans too.

While the real Frumpkis’ humorous name may be giving him some fame in a fun way, fans are less happy about the titular character — a man who blows his wife’s money on a secret, second family. This isn't a guy I'd want to know in real life, but here’s hoping Sterling’s character he makes for good TV drama. Of course, things are going to really real when the two Mrs. Frumpkises (Frumpki?) meet and interact this season, so I guess we can thank Mr. "Frumpy Kiss" for all the impending, soapy drama.